
Monday, March 25, 2019

Why Do We Believe In Angels :: essays research papers

In various retail stores today, you will find many paragon knickknacks. Angles aretruly believed in by todays society. The retail ranges from nurses to habiliments to toys. Most recently, over 200 books about angels are in book stores, and several million copies fall in been sold worldwide (Dumas 59). Why do people buy this merchandise if it can nonbe proved that angels are real? Believing in angels is like believing in God. If you dontbelieve in God, just look approximately at the things virtually you and conclude how everythingwas created (Angel Wings).Do angels really go? Everyone wants to know about everything around us. Ifthe person on the street is holding a sign saying will work for food was really an angel indisguise. Or the women that arrived just in time to save a runaway car full of triplet smallchildren. Was she really an angel? In the news in Hebrews 132 it says Be non forgetfulto entertain strangers for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. There a re over300 references in the bible about angels. For example, in the new testament angelsannounced the birth of Christ, in Luke 28 angels told shepards where to find the infantJesus, also in Luke an angel went to a tomb of Christ to announce his resurrection(Auburn University 1). Billy Graham wrote a very good perspective of angels in his book Angels GodsSecret Agents. He statedLucas 2 I am convinced that these heavenly beings exist and that they provide unseen aid in our behalf. I do not believe in angles because someone has told me about a dramatic trial from an angel, impressive as such testimonies may be. I do not believe in angles because UFOs are astonishingly angels-like in some of their report appearances. I do not believe in angels because some second sight experts are making the realm of the spirit world seem fifty-fifty more plausible. I do not believe in angels because of the abrupt worldwide emphasis on the reality of Satan and demons. I do not believe in angles beca use I have never seen one- because I havent. I believe in angels because the Bible says there are angels and I believe the Bible to be the true Word of God (Hilbb 2) .In an essay by Linda Ray, she stated her belief about angels. She wrote that shebelieves in angels because Gods word, the sanctum sanctorum Bible, tells her they are real, giving manyaccounts of the activity in the lives of people on earth.

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