
Saturday, February 2, 2019

Vanguard Case Analysis Essay -- Business and Management Studies

Vanguard Case compendAfter reading through the Vanguard case, there were a a couple of(prenominal) difficultforks in the road that Vanguard seems to be facing. The companysfuture can be greatly affected by more or less of these difficult choices. Vanguard has to decide whether to deepen their investment offerings,further overhaul Internationally, or to simply advertise to addtheir client base. Top managers at Vanguard have to step up to theplate and rollout detailed plans as to what path the company shouldtake regarding some of these issues. Through our in-classdiscussions, the majority of the students argued on one major problemthat Vanguard was facing. The problem entailed Vanguards ability toincrease future customers without change magnitude costs.Markets are ever-changing, and the ability of companies to adapt tothese changes is the key to survival. adept company mentionedspecifically in the case was Citigroup. Their ability to adapt to market changes and become a giant i n the investments segment as aone-stop financial supermarket is a prime example. Should Vanguardtake on this graphic symbol of adaptation or stick to their current businessobjectives? One evoke quote Brennan in the case stated In thefuture, nothing almost Vanguards values will change, but everythingabout the right smart we do business must change. With this in mind, thequestion is what must change for Vanguard to succeed and continue toearn revenue and gain customers without increasing costs?...

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