
Saturday, February 16, 2019

The American Association of Retired Persons Essay -- essays research p

The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)Founded in 1958 by Dr. Ethel Percy, the American Association of RetiredPersons (AARP) has been dedicated to addressing the needs and interests of olderAmericans. Percy matte that older Americans could attain a sense of merriment and fulfillment by remaining physic all(prenominal)y and intellectually activein confederacy, thus came about(predicate) his idea to form the AARP. The AARP is a nonprofit,nonpartisan, membership organization open to any star, running(a) or retired, overthe age of 50. Based in Wash-ington, D.C., the AARP pursues its goals throughservice, advocacy, and education. The AARPs eventual(prenominal) goal is to help olderAmericans achieve lives of independence, dignity, and purpose. The AARP isspread nation wide of the mark through local chapters and is run mainly by volunteer get along withmembers at the local and study levels.The 33 million members of the AARP can ask many benefits as well assupport from t he AARP. The wide turn tail of services span anywhere from movietickets to grants for re-search. The AARP besides has many publications in theform of audio and publications. The most famous of these publications is thebimonthly Modern adulthood which targets all readers inter-ested in AARP issues.The issues and goals the AARP advocates span a great deal throughout thepolitical, economic, and tender arena. While diverse in its areas of interest,the AARP mainly concentrates on social issues. Being a nonpartisan organization,the AARP does not nationally endorse or contribute any money to the campaignsof any candidate running for national positions including presidency. Politicsin the AARP is basically left to the individual to decide whom he/she willsupport. The only participation the AARP takes is through the AARP/VOTE platform.The goals of the AARP/VOTE program are to educate AARP members and the generalpublic about important economic, health and consumer issues, and about thep ositions taken by candidates for public office on these issues. They alsoinform candidates and elect officials of AARPs positions on key policy issuesand help elected officials be to a greater extent responsive to the needs of their districtsor states by promoting hard-hitting communication with their constituents.AARP/VOTE is successful because of its effective methods used t... ...Security and esoteric pensions by increasing the amount of contributions withmore people working and by delaying payments. Finally, the AARP stands firmlyagainst age-related driver testing. They say it is discriminatory and isnt the declaration to the elderlys driving problems. The solution the AARP proposes iseducation. They would like to educate the elderly more about driving as well ashaving tougher tests when renewing drivers licenses. Another suggestion is tohave more conspicuous and highly visible road signs. These ideas all together,says the AARP, would make roadways safer for all drivers. Thu s, through thissmall sample of their large interest for social issues, one can get a betteridea how the AARP stands.Being a member of the AARP has its many personal benefits as well ashaving the satisfaction that as an older person, one is still involved insociety at the political, economic, and social levels. The AARP has been aroundfor 38 years strong, being rattling effective and providing a solid voice for olderAmericans, and its success so far will assure its survival into the 21stcentury adequate one of the most well rounded organizations.

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