Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Health Care Usa vs. France
Comparison of the Health Care Systems: France and the United States| Yet in 1948 the United Nations proclaimed that, â€Å"everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of oneself and one's family, including food, clothing, housing, and medical care. †We should understand that health care should be considered a human right, rather than an economical benefit. However, there are two hundred countries in the World and many of them still lack an adequate health care system. Throughout the World health, except the U. S. , care systems tend to follow general patterns.There are four basic models: Beveridge, Bismarck, the National health insurance, and the out-of-pocket. The Beveridge model named after the founder of British health care system William Beveridge. According to McCanne (2010), the majority of hospitals and clinics are owned by government. In this model the government is a sole payer, which controls the costs of medical expenses. T herefore, there is the tendency for low cost per capita. The second model of health care named after a founder of European welfare Otto von Bismarck. The major principle of this system based on the insurance plans, which financed jointly by employers and employees.Moreover, the insurance plans are non-profit and cover everyone. The government tightly regulates and controls the health system, that allows to keep low medical costs. The third model is a the National health insurance model. It uses private sector of health providers, but payments come from a government based insurance, to which every citizen must pay. The National health insurance controls and keeps low prices for medical services, and tend to be cheaper and simpler administratively. The last and most disorganized health system follows the out-of-pocket model.The major principle of that system based on the money and basically people with money can get the medical assistance, whereas poor get sicker or die. According to the World health report (2000) released by World Health Organization, France is the country that provides the best health care. The same report states, â€Å"The U. S. health system spends a higher portion of its gross domestic product than any other country but ranks 37 out of 191 countries according to its performance. †The question is, why equally strong, politically and economically, countries have such significant difference of health care performance?Certainly, one of the major dissimilarity of the systems is the difference of health care models. The French health system rigorously follows only one, as most of European countries, the Bismarck's model. At first glance it seems to be very similar to the American; both countries widely use an insurance system, where employers and employee are both responsible for an insurance payment. However, in contrast to USA, the biggest fundamental difference between the two systems is that the Bismarck-type health insurance plans ha ve to cover everybody, and they do not make a profit.Opposite to France, the United States of America does not follow any of the models of health care. American health care system have elements of all of the models. When it comes to treating veterans, it becomes a government owned and controlled system, as Beveridge model. For Medicare dependant Americans and population over the age of 65, our health care system uses the model of National Health Insurance, otherwise known as universal health system, which tends to be cheaper and simpler. The health care system of a working population, who gets insurance through the employer, is more aligned with the Bismarck model.Finally, for those fifteen percent of Americans, who do not have any health care insurance the current system becomes an Out-of-Pocket Model, which is primarily used in Third World countries. Most of health care industries in the World, in order to be efficient, try to meet only three of the models, but very important basi cs: costs, quality and access. All those major elements of a health care system have a complex and often challenging nature; they often interlace with each other, what leads to a conglomerate of hard solvable health care issues.For example, the quality of care is tightly bounded to the cost of therapeutic and diagnostic procedures. Consequently, the high cost of health care puts access restrictions for certain populations. Therefore, one of the major health industry concerns is access to quality and affordable health care. The French health care system combines universal coverage with a public–private mix of hospital and ambulatory care, higher levels of resources, and a higher volume of service provision than in the United States (Rodwin, 1993) As shown in Table 1, France has a higher physicians' density per population than USA.Moreover, there is a significant difference, of more than 50%, between physicians of general practice and more disparity in more specialized practice s. It demonstrates that French health care is based on more generalized medicine, than the US, where high costly specialty medicine is common practice. Table 1, Health Care Resources: France and United States, 1997–2000. American Journal of Public Health 2003 Resources| France| US| Active physicians per 1000 population| 3. 3 | 2. 8| Active physicians in private, office-based practice per 1000 population| 1. 9| 1. | General/family practice, %| 53. 3| 22. 5| Obstetricians, pediatricians, and internists, %| 7. 5| 35. 6| Other specialists, %| 39. 2| 41. 0| Non-physician personnel per acute hospital bed| 1. 9 | 5. 7 | Total inpatient hospital beds per 1000 population| 8. 5| 3. 7| Short-stay hospital beds per 1000 population| 4. 0| 3. 0| Share of public beds, %| 64. 2| 19. 2| Share of private beds, %| 35. 8| 80. 8| Proprietary beds as percentage of private beds, %| 56| 12| Nonprofit beds as percentage of private beds, %| 44| 88| Share of proprietary beds, %| 27| 10. 7| France and t he U. S. ace a crises of unprecedented scope. Both countries possess large and growing elderly populations that threaten to push the pace of health care price increases even higher than their already faster-than-inflation rates. (Dutton, 2011) However, France has wide access to comprehensive health services for a population that is, on average, older than that of the United States (Rodwin, 1993). France and the United States, relies on both private insurance and government insurance. In both countries, working populations generally receive their insurance through their employer. However, French health care s based on the National Health Insurance and there is no uninsured population. French national insurance covers about 70 percent of the medical bills, the rest of the 30 percents is paid by private insurance companies, which are typically provided and paid by employer. Furthermore, contradictory to the common American opinion, that universal health care system does not allow one t o choose doctors, hospitals and clinics, French people are not restricted in their choice of medical professionals and institutions, and they freely navigate themselves from doctor to doctor (Imai, Jacobzone, Lenain, 2000).In contrast to that, certain American HMOs allow their members to visit doctors strictly in their systems. The other tremendous distinction of the French health care system is that there is no discrimination of people with preexisting conditions. Moreover, individuals with preexisting conditions have a priority and receive more coverage; patients with long-standing diseases, such as mental illness, cancer, diabetes, obtain 100 percent governmental support for all medical expenses, including surgeries, therapy and pharmaceutical agents (Imai et. al. , 2000).At a final point, most of American's health budget oriented on the end of life diseases, which as a rule, heavily involve costly sophisticated technology and procedures, that enormously brings operating cost up. At the same time USA still neglects major successful health care steps such as disease prevention and public health education. This perhaps explains, in spite of impressive achievements in the biomedical science and technology the US do not have a better health care performance. References Dutton,V. P. (2011). Health care in France and the United States: Learning from each other. Imai, Y. Jacobzone, S. , Lenain, P. (2000). The changing health system in France. France: Economics department, organization for economic cooperation and development. p. 268. McCanne, D. (2010). Health Care Systems – Four Basic Models. Physicians for a National Health Program, p. 1 Rodwin V, Sandier S. 2003; Health care under French national health insurance. 12(3):113–131. American Journal of Public Health 2003 The universal declaration of human rights. Article 25. (1948) World Health Organization, (2000). The world health report 2000 – World Health Organization Assesses the World's H ealth Systems.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla
Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla was born on May 8th, 1753 to Cristobal Hidalgo y Costilla and Ana Maria Gallaga near Penjamo, Guanajuato. He was considered a Criollo or Mexican of Spanish descent that had been born in the New World. He was a very intelligent man who knew several languages, read French literature and wrote texts in Aztec. In 1773 Hidalgo y Castillo received his bachelor’s degree in theology from the Colegia San Nicolas in Valltolid. He was ordained in 1778 and became the priest for the village of Dolores, Guanajuato in 1803. Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla was an unusual priest. Contrary to Church doctrine, Hidalgo y Costilla was known to gamble, dance, challenge the papacy of Rome and keep a mistress. He was also known to speak out against the king of Spain. In 1803, when Hidalgo y Costilla was the priest of Dolores, his house was a well known gathering place. It was the equality in the house that drew people, with poor Indians and castes socializing with Spanish and criollos.  Current events and literary topics were frequently debated, but Hidalgo's orientation grew more scientific as time passed. He was not so interested in literary cultural enlightenment, and was more concerned with the development of social consciousness and economic awareness. (Hamill 82) Hidalgo y Costilla was very interested in developing Dolores’s ability to be economically self sufficient. Colonists were prohibited from producing many different types of commodities and this made its difficult, if not impossible, for the colonists to become self supporting. Two of these were wine and silkworms, both of which Hidalgo y Costilla encouraged. With the French seizure of Spain in 1808, the imposition of Joseph Bonaparte on the throne, and the creation of the Cà ¡diz junta, Mexico exploded into crisis. The instability revealed acute social divisions within Mexico. The upper classes sought to establish an autonomous government that would represent their interests, and the lower classes struggled against the dominance of the local elites.† (Kirkwood 75) There were many groups and each had their own list of grievances but they did have a few issues in common. One major criticism was Spain’s inability to govern Mexico properly. Another was the social identity change going on with the Mexicans. They were becoming proud of themselves as a people and changing the attitude that anything European was possibly superior. In 1810, the audiencia in Mexico City took power from Francisco Javier de Lizana y Beaumont. The audiencia was not any better at maintaing stability than any of the others and fearful of weak government leadership, semi-secret groups began meeting to discuss the nations future. To avoid detection, they disguised themselves as debate clubs or literary discussion groups. One such group was the Literary and Social Club of Querà ©taro, of which Father Hidalgo y Costilla was a member. â€Å"Noted as a defender of the downtrodden, well read, and with a capacity to forcibly express his ideas, he emerged as an important participant in the literary club in Querà ©taro.†(Kirkwood 79) It was due to these qualities and the encouragement he had shown the people regarding the creation of their own industries that Hidalgo y Costilla had become the leader of a revolution. Tired of the oppression of Spanish rule, he began planning for Mexico to gain its independence. â€Å"By 1810 Hidalgo's main energies were devoted to conspiring for an uprising that he hoped would lead to Mexican independence. The center of the conspiracy was the city of Querà ©taro, some fifty miles southeast of Dolores on the road to Mexico City. His fellow conspirators, also criollos, planned to organize an insurrection and seize power from the peninsulares and their al lies. Initially, as a ruse, they would declare their fealty to King Ferdinand VII, but their clear final purpose was independence†(Smith 12,13) The government got word of the uprising and start arresting people who were suspected of participating. Hidalgo y Costilla was informed that this was happening and decided to take action. Racing to the church, he used the bells to call all the parishioners to him and proceeded to make a stirring speech against bad government known as the Grito de Dolores (Shout from Dolores). This speech described the situation and feeling in Mexico so aptly that it is considered the beginning moment of Mexico’s independence and made Hidalgo y Costilla a historical icon. Inspired by the Grito de Dolores, an army of 700 followed Hidalgo y Costilla on a march towards Guanajuato, by the time they were nearly there, the army had grown to almost 20,000 men. Despite his stirring speeches and large crowd of followers, Hidalgo y Costilla soon found he was in charge of an unruly mob rather than a trained army. They overtook the granary at Guanajuato and defeated the royalist soldiers but soon after Hidalgo y Costilla’s mob began destroying property, burning and pillaging and killing landowners and their families. â€Å"These excesses redoubled the resolve of the viceroy in Mexico City to put down the rebellion. Hidalgo and his military commanders were excommunicated, and royalist forces were raised to march north and engage Hidalgo's troops (Smith 13) It was at this point that Hidalgo y Costilla made his biggest military mistake. He did not realize the forces guarding Mexico City were weak and unprepared. If he had marched on Mexico City and taken it, the war for independence would have been over at that point. Instead he and his mob headed to Queretaro, but when they were defeated, they retreated back to Guanajuato. Hidalgo y Costilla and his army tried to escape to the United States when a large, well trained royalist army appeared outside of Guanajuato, but they were captured before they could cross the border. Hidalgo was arrested, charged and found guilt of heresy and treason. He was also excommunicated by an ecclesiastical court. Now he was no longer considered a priest and was a traitor to the Spanish. â€Å"On the morning of July 30, 1811, the day after his degradation from th priesthood, Hidalgo went before a firing squad in the courtyard of the former Jesuit College which had been his prison since April.†(Hamill 216) Despite the charges and his execution, Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla remains a hero to the people of Mexico. In Dolores, the Casa de Don Miguel Hidalgo, where he lived from 1804 to 1810, is full of furniture and document exhibits from that time. The Museo de la Independencia, or Independence Museum, has been converted from the old prison into a historical arts center. A larger than life bronze statue of Miguel Hidalgo graces the center of the park and all around Dolores are opportunities to purchase Talavera, a type of porcelain introduced by Father Hidalgo. Matamoros, Mexico boasts a main square featuring monuments to Hidalgo and others who lost their lives in the Mexican War of Independence. More tributes and monuments are found throughout Mexico, Texas and surrounding areas. Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla may not have been a war savvy general but his genuine concern for the plight of his people and his encouragement to fight for an independent Mexico has truly made him the â€Å"Father of Mexican Independence.†Works Cited Anderson, Geri. Dolores Hidalgo: Mexico’s Cradle of Independence. 2007. 7 Mar. 2007 Hamill, Hugh M. The Hidalgo Revolt: Prelude to Mexican Independence. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Press, 1966. Questia. 5 Mar. 2007 . Kirkwood, Burton. The History of Mexico. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2000. Questia. 5 Mar. 2007 . Smith, Clint E. Inevitable Partnership: Understanding Mexico-U.S. Relations. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 2000. Questia. 6 Mar. 2007 .               Â
Monday, July 29, 2019
Approval Letters
SAE-UMP Chapter Shell Eco-marathon Asia 2013 Team. 1) Nik Fadhil B Nik Mohammed 24-Jul-1990 23 Year Old EC09051 (Yr. 4) Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (Power System) Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 2) Muhammad Hisyamuddin b Jaafar 11-Jan-1990 23 Year Old MH09014 (Yr. 4) Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Automotive Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 3) Wan Nurul Syahirah Binti Wan Lanang 15-May-1992 21 Year Old FB11041 (Yr. 2) Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering 4) Mohd Najmi Bin Harith 19-Aug-1992 21 Year Old MH11099 (Yr. 2) Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Automotive Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 5) Muhammad Taufiq Bin Taha 6-Feb-1992 21 Year Old FA11025 (Yr. 2) Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering 6) Nur Aisvah Binti lsmail 2-Jan-1992 21 Year Old MH11062 (Yr. 2) Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Automotive Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 7) Muhammad Haziq Bin Mazlan 4-Sep-1992 21 Year Old MH11042 (Yr. 2) Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Automotive Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering ) Muhammad Najmuddin Bin Moskori 13-Nov-1992 21 Year Old MH11020 (Yr. 2) Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Automotive Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 9) Wan Muhamad lzzudin Bin Wan lbrahim 4-Nov-1992 21 Year Old MH11038 (Yr. 2) Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Automotive Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 10) Loo Fu Hong 6-Dec-1991 22 Year Old MC12051 (Yr. 2) Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Automotive Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 11) Mohd Firdaus Bin Mohd Rosli 20-Nov-1989 24 Year Old MH09086 (Yr. 4) Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Automotive Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 12) Mohammad Hanif Bin Rameli 11-Sep-1992 21 Year Old MH11032 (Yr. 2) Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Automotive Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 13) Tang Shuen Cherng 15-March-1992 21 Year old FB12056 – (Yr. 2) Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering 14) Muhammad Khaidir B Azman 24-March-1994 19 Year Old MB12061 – (Yr. 1) Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Automotive Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 15) Muhammad Nabil Fikri B Mohamad -Dec-1993 20 Year old MA12070 – (Year 1) Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering 16) Nor Arina Binti Ali Kangsa 4-Jan-1992 22 Year Old MH11090 – (Year 2) Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Automotive Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 17) Wan Amir Haziq B. Wan Mohd Pandi 15-July-1994 19 Year Old MB12056 Bache lor of Mechanical Engineering with Automotive Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 18) Ng Yee Shian 25-April-1992 21 Year Old MC12054 – (Year 1) Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Automotive Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 9) Raja Imran Shah B. Raja Badrin Shah 24-Apr-1992 21 Year Old MH11036 (Yr. 2) Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Automotive Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 20) Muhammad Aiman Safwan B. Jubri 11-Jan-1994 19 Year Old MB12068 – (Year 1) Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Automotive Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 21) Ng Wei Ming 21-Jan-1992 21 Year Old MC12056 – (Year 1) Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Automotive Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 22) Nor Fadilah Binti Ahmad 19-June-1991 22 Year Old MH11097 – (Year 2) Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Automotive Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 23) Lee Shun Jian 25-June-1992 21 Year Old FB12043 – (Year 1) Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering 24) Chan Chao Shiung 24-August-1989 FB12061 – (Year 1) Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering 25) Mohd Aiman Bin Mahusin 19-Jan-1990 MH09068 (Yr. 4) Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Automotive Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 26) Mohd Amiruddin Bin Alias 14-Jan-1992 MH11076 (Yr. 2) Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Automotive Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 27) Nurul Hasnah binti Awang 24-May-1992 FB11011 (Yr. 2) Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering 28) Muhamad Syazwan Bin Zolkafli 6-Jul-1991 MH11074 (Yr. 2) Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Automotive Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 29) Che Wan Abdul Rashid Bin Che Wan Hitam 14-Jan-1992 MH11015 – Yr 2 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Automotive Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
We are what we choose Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
We are what we choose - Essay Example Logos from originates from logical, ethos represent reliability while pathos represent passion. Logos represents the logical argument. In Jeff’s speech, we can find the syllogism. Jeff is and will still be among the few who have presented a coordinated and logical speech. It is not worth listening to a speaker who jumps from one point to another without any apparent rhyme or reason. It is a deliberate move that most of the examples of lectures are fairly short and precise so that the speaker can actually focus on the main idea and not diverting his focus. Jeff’s speech is logical in the sense that he use two examples to support his point. Interestingly, syllogism is easy to evaluate in the statement, â€Å"No flying things are penguins; all the penguins are birds; so some birds are not fliers.†At the beginning of his presentation, he argues that â€Å"cleverness is a gift, kindness is a choice.†Gifts are easily attainable as they are given on various occasions. Choices can be hard to attain. You can seduce yourself with your gifts if youre not careful and if you do, itll probably be to the detriment of your choices. He first talks about an instance of a story when he was a kid he proud of his minor arithmetic and he figure out if his grandma, â€Å"at two minutes per puff, you’ve taken nine years off your life.†and his grandma crying. In this example he uses the syllogism, kindness is a choice, choice can be hard, and so kindness is hard. Indeed he refer to his grandpa saying, â€Å"Jeff, one day you’ll understand that it’s harder to be kind than clever.†This ex ample proves his opinion that cleverness is a gift, kindness is a choice and sometimes cleverness might ad for us choice. â€Å"This is a group with many gifts. I’m sure one of your gift is the gift of a smart and capable brain. Im confident that
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Challenges in Global Business Enviroment Research Paper
Challenges in Global Business Enviroment - Research Paper Example Despite the fact that there have been many accusations against the company, coca-cola has always denied it saying that the drinks it produces do not have any harmful chemicals and that the drinks are consumer friendly. The company has always maintained that the accusations leveled against its products are false and unfounded. Such a response by such a big company is careless, irresponsible, and dangerous. For a company of its stature and standing, coca-cola should not deny such claims but investigate and ascertain the truth, then make the necessary rectifications. Denying the absence of harmful chemicals in the drinks is dangerous in the sense that such a statement jeopardizes the health of many people. Billions of people worldwide use the coca-cola products. This means that if the drinks have harmful chemicals, then the lives of so many people are in danger. The coca-cola company should take responsibility of its products and make sure that healthy products are sold to the people. According to Laufer and Coombs (2006), companies are not supposed to underestimate the necessity of properly handling the product harm crises as documented to affect negatively the market share, stock prices, purchase intentions, sales of recalled products, and sales of other companies’ products among others. Concentrating on making huge profits at the expense of the health of consumers is an irresponsible and selfish act on the part of the company. This means that the company should stop denying the claims and start looking for ways to make its products safer. This marketing plan for the giant soft drink company Coca-Cola Company is based on thorough research of the internal and external environment of the company. Being the largest soft drink industry in the world, coca-cola enjoys large market share. Coca-cola Company dominates over 50% of the world market. It has witnessed tremendous growth because of carbonated soft drink business. The main
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Midterm paper in microeconomics Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Midterm paper in microeconomics - Case Study Example This can be presented in a graph as follows: Figure 1: Graph Presenting the function, Y = F (K, L) = AK0.4L0.8 (b) In order to break even, one should hardly be worried about the production size since size is hardly the only factor that influences production. Again, fixed costs are not related directly to a firm’s level of production. Break-even involves the point at which both variable and fixed costs would be recovered, implying that production size is not a major factor to consider in this case. Answer to Question 2 This is a case of two firms that compete in a sequntial game, where each firm chooses prices as its strategic variable.Firm 1 make the choice of price p1, first, while firm 2 chooses p2 later. Each of the two firms has a marginal cost of 20. The assumption in this case is that a consumer is loacted at point x, x being the distance from firm 1, and obtains some utility after buying from either of the two firms. Such functions are as below: U1 = V – p1 †“ 16x U2 = V – p2 – 16 (1 - x) Given that V is a constant, which is so large that it could cover the entire market: (a) The best response for firm 2 would require that the firm looks ahead to its initial decision. It would then assume that given that it comes to that point, firm 1 will choose the optimal outcome of firm 2; in this case, the highest payoff in terms of price. Secondly, firm 2 would have to back up to its second all the way to the last decision. It would assume that firm 1 would opt for high prices (Peterson, 39). The firm would continue reasoning back in the same way until all its decisions are fixed. Such decision could be presented in a (p2; p1) space as follows: V = U2 + p2 + 16 (1 - x) V= U1 + p1 + 16x Thus, U2 + p2 + 16 (1 - x) = U1 + p1 + 16x U2 + p2 + 16 = U1 + p1 + 32x Since the two firms are competing sequentially, the market equilibrium price is the point where p1= p2 since all firms would ultimately have to lower their prices in order to att ract as many customers as possible (Peterson, 39). (b) The equilibrium price is p1 =p2 =20. The profit for firm 1 is Yp1 – 20c while that of firm 2 is Yp2 – 20c, where Y is the total output and 20c is the total cost which is constant for the two firms. (c) Equilibrium price is 20. The market share for firm 1 and firm 2 are x and (1 – x) respectively. Answer to question 3 The following data was obtained from Rema Store. (1) The name of the store is Rema Grocery Store. The type of cheese in the store, the prices per kilogram and the brand of cheese including the unit size are as shown in the table above. (2) Based on the various brands, unit sizes, and price per kilogram for each brand, it is easy to propose price discrimination scheme. The price discrimination scheme could explain more about the stores and the brands of cheese sold. The best price discrimination scheme for the products is the first degree of price discrimination. In this case, the seller would se ll various product brands of cheese at different prices. The scheme would require that the seller knows the reservation price for each of the brand sold. Once the seller identifies the reservation price for each brand, he or she is able to sell the different brands of cheese to the consumers at the maximum prices possible. Customers hardly consider quantities but their perception of quality is based
Friday, July 26, 2019
Speech Class Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Speech Class Assignment - Essay Example The painters usually love and illustrate natural objects like; a garden of flowers, forest in mountainous regions, animals in the wild, or physical features like lakes rivers, valleys and hills. The speech is informative because it divides the main subject area into several topics. The speech illustrates that impressionist painting has three main characteristics. The characteristics indicated the sub topic areas generated from the subject area. Firstly, the subject issue is mainly nature like vegetation or physical features like the sea. Secondly, the images are painted through vibrant hues. Finally, the paintings are done using brush strokes which are broad and fragmented. The speech is good and informative because the thesis is clearly specific. The thesis statement entails provision of informative speech in the artistic area of impressionist painting. The thesis adequately gives the audience a brief overview of what the speech will communicate. The thesis also serves to attract attention of the audience to the main areas of the subject matter, which is impressionist painting. There are several categories of speeches. One category entails the demonstration speeches and definition speeches. A demonstration speech aims at telling or showing how something is done. In many cases, the demonstrations speech applies the visual aids to improve effectiveness; for instance, PowerPoint presentations or the KeyNote presentations. Definition speech aims at informing the audience through explaining a concept or even an object. Speech 7 is a definition speech. This is because it explains that the Vice President position does not have adequate responsibilities, powers and authority. The main function of the Vice President entails succession, if the office of the President falls vacant. The limited function of the Vice President position is the main reason why some delegated declined to authorize the constitution,
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Population based nursing care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Population based nursing care - Essay Example These endeavors are not aimed at a selected group of people or are characteristic of individualized care; rather it is aimed to make the health status of the entire identified populations better (Maurer & Smith, 2005). A point to be noted is that the term based here does not refer to any place or a setting. On the contrary, it means that on which care is going to be provided (Maurer & Smith, 2005). The main purpose of public-based care is to provide the community healthcare in conditions that are deemed as healthy by the people. Moreover it constitutes organized endeavors aimed for the population as a whole. Generally community is regarded as a group of people with some element common to them. Community derives from the Latin munus, meaning gift, and cum, meaning together (â€Å"Community†, 2010). Therefore it community is a group of people with some shared interests. More specifically, it is defined as a group of people who live together, have the same government ruling them and common cultural and historical heritage (Hart, 1998). Description of a community usually entails a peaceful, egalitarian social form, sharing their values and life and engaged in a social interaction (â€Å"Community†, 2010). In order to provide care to the community, one needs to use the available resources and the assets of the population on the defined community and to evaluate the capability of that community to meet the required health targets (â€Å"Population-Based†, 2003). In order to provide population-based care, one needs to identify and take into account the health determinants that can impact the delivery of healthcare. Such determinants can be social, environmental and behavioral. The provision of population-based care also necessitates the identification of issues that are pertinent to the delivery of healthcare in the population and can subsequently affect the health outcomes. Nurses and healthcare
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Morality and Immorality and Holy Willie's Prayer and Tam O Shanter Research Paper
Morality and Immorality and Holy Willie's Prayer and Tam O Shanter - Research Paper Example There are two particular poems that he wrote which clearly exemplify the sarcastic and humorous tone of his style. These are Holy Willie’s Prayer and Tom O’ Shanter. What makes this poem important though is not just that these are prime examples of Burns’ humor-laden writing style. The said poems also provide proof of Burns’ personal perspectives on morality and immorality, as well as the role of religion these matters. The background of Holy Willie’s Prayer alone would already provide a glimpse of how Burns despised hypocrisy, especially if this is committed by men who belong to the church or the ‘kirk’ in 18th century Scotland. The poem is about a real character named William Fisher, a leader of the local church in Mauchline where Burns had stayed. Fisher, with whom Burns shared mutual hate, is described as a â€Å"bigoted elder of the Kirk, who with considerable eloquence and the conceit of the humorless, exposes himself as a cantin g hypocrite†(Head 527). The title of the poem dedicated to him by Burns is already one that actually reeks of sarcasm. The emphasis on the word ‘holy’ comes as a paradox because at the end of the poem, Fisher is portrayed to be asking God to punish his detractors with the lines that disregards the basic Christian concepts of mercy and forgiveness. Lord, in Thy day o’ vengeance try him, Lord, visit them wha did employ him, And pass not in Thy mercy by them, Nor hear them their pray’r, But for Thy people's sake destroy them, An’ dinna spare. Holy Willie’s Prayer actually paints a picture of a man, who is expected by many to set the example of how Christians should treat each other, turn out to be just as sinful and immoral as those he may have despised. It is clear that Burns disliked so much how Fisher had behaved as a churchman, whom the parishioners consider to be near infallible and holy when he is actually committing the same immora lities that he preaches against. There are lines in the poem that actually described Fisher’s own improprieties. O Lord! yestreen, Thou kens, wi’ Meg -- Thy pardon I sincerely beg -- O, may’t ne’er be a living plague To my dishonour! An’ I'll ne’er lift a lawless leg Again upon her. Burns, however, does not criticize Fisher for committing these human frailties. In a very sarcastic tone, he highlights the fact that despite these shortcomings, Fisher still managed to pray that he be forgiven for these ‘minor’ infractions. While he asks mercy, Fisher instead prays to God that his detractors are spared from it and are punished for persecuting him. As it turns out, Willie Fisher’s prayer is basically a portrayal of how a man of the church treats God as a superior that would listen to his pleas more because he is part of the church hierarchy and not for its merits or demerits. The poem provides a picture of Fisher â€Å"down on his knees, praying to his God, whom he addresses familiarly as if God were a senior official in the church†(Gerrard 384). Without putting it into words, Burns depicts a situation where the church is actually isolated from the rest of the people, including its laity. The isolation stems from the notion that those who are part of the church hierarchy are not equal with those outside of it, even if they are Christians too. The concept presented in the poem is that God is prone to be more
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Implication of Global Warming on Organizational Leadership Essay - 1
Implication of Global Warming on Organizational Leadership - Essay Example Although the twentieth – century is still young, recently a variety events and concerns have surfaced that pose as major challenge for contemporary business world. In recent years, climate change has developed from being a fringe concern within the corporate world, addressed primarily through a company’s corporate and social responsibility, to an increasingly central topic for strategic deliberation and decision – making by executives and investors around the globe. Climate changes issues are among the most urgent global challenges in international business arena. The international environment issue attracted much more attention from politics, civil society, the media and business because of its actual and potential impact. With wide spread industrialization, the environmental impact of fossil fuels has taken centre stage in an international debate over the phenomenon known as global warming. The global warming affects several regions of the world adversely and hence industries around the world are at a major threat from environment. The responsibilities of MNCs with regard to global warming are huge and a strategic move from leaders of international business would make much difference. The Concept of Global Warming The phrase global warming has become familiar to many people as one of the most important environmental issue of our day. Human activities of all kinds whether in industry, in the field , or concerned with transport or the home are resulting in emission of increasing quantities of gas, in particular carbon – did- oxide, into the atmosphere. Every year these emissions currently add to the carbon already present in the atmosphere carbon dioxide a further seven thousand million tones, much of which is likely to remain there for a hundred years or more.
Outline How Material Things Essay Example for Free
Outline How Material Things Essay City Road is a big road filled with lots of different cultures, gender, class, age and history. When walking down the road it can be seen that the belonging and not belonging in the society. It opens your eyes as to what exactly goes on in different societies and City Road is a big street with a lot of demands and structures in it. Over the years society changed and so did the street. It goes by what is in demand, how society changes and by the vast majority of different cultures coming into the area. You see a lot of people trying to conform to the society and many trying to hold onto their own identities. First of all I’m going to talk about the Ethnicity on the street. We are going to the Xquisite Africa shop. Janet, the lady that owns the shop originates from Africa and moved to the UK over ten years ago. When she came to the UK she thought that she had to change her identity and conform to the society. She sells a lot of things from Africa and by doing this she gets to hold onto her identity of the African culture and also appeals to customers from the same ethnic background. She felt after being in the UK for ten years that she had lost her identity and so she decided to take a trip back home to Africa to re-charge her batteries as she puts it. She wanted to re-gain her culture that she so desperately lost. This aspect could help her re-gain her culture and identity and allows her to share this with the right clientele from a multi-racial background. She can share a state of belonging to a social group that has in common a national or cultural background, whilst negotiating with people on the complex of different identities. She contributes to the African social life and society as well as on City Road. Therefore promoting her African background and understanding there is no need to conform to the society and changing her identity. We then move onto class in the Municipal Club. A social stratum, whose members share a certain economic, social or cultural characteristics. For this instance the working class. It is aimed at the local residents and has over 100 years of history. A group containing members regarded as having certain attributes of traits in common has slowly disappeared and they long for the society to change back to what they believed it was. Whilst in the (DVD, Making social lives on City Road, 2009, scene 5) Lloyd Robson talks to couple of residents in the club and gets their insight of what is going on. He asked them if they thought the club had a future. They said no. no-one wants to know it anymore and even the members have started to lose interest. But because the society has changed it meant that they described city road as being dangerous and rough. They long for the past. They want it to go back to what they say it used to be or imagined it. The inequalities and differences that has changed and also the traditions has been lost. They lack the sense of belonging they used to have when City Road used to be theirs. Then we come across the Sanna Silk shop. This is where the female is favoured over the male. It’s a family business orientated around females as they sell and make dresses of different materials. They get to choose their type of material and their patterns. It is mainly focused at Asian women. In the (DVD, Making social lives on City Road, 2009, scene 6 by Raghuran) she says â€Å"it is a very different way of portraying Asian women than I often seen in the media. †They also have a section for jewellery. Most of their jewellery is 22 carat gold and is mainly aimed at the women. They also have a selection for their wedding day. So it has an Asian culture that is even though yes men go in to buy but is very female orientated. Conclusion Therefore in City Road, my examples favour female gender activities over male, is a very multi-racial area and favours specific class over others. Therefore explaining that society changes all of the time and conforms to whatever is more in demand in that specific time of era.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Electric Cars Essay Example for Free
Electric Cars Essay Are electric cars a more sustainable method of transport than diesel or petrol powered cars? In this Case Study, I explored whether electric cars are as eco-friendly as they claim to be, providing a sustainable method of transport that could significantly reduce our carbon footprints if we all ditched the convectional vehicles, and changed to electric cars. I found many arguments both for and against electric cars. Electric cars are powered by an electric motor which draws its power from an on-board battery pack which acts as an energy store for the car. Energy is measured in joules. A joule is a very small amount of energy so a domestic electricity metre measures the energy in kilowatt hours. Stoical Energy Transferred = Power x Time (Joules, J) (Watts, W) (Seconds, S) (Kilowatt hours kWh) (Kilowatts, kW) (Hours, H) Source; GCSE Core Science revision guide (Information collected from GCSE Science revision guide 13:26hours) Batteries are charged by simply connecting the vehicle to a mains power supply, and are usually need to be charged overnight (or 7-8 hours) for a full charge. Electricity is a secondary source of energy. This means that the electricity is generated elsewhere from another energy source, in the case of an electric car, the primary source (where the electricity first comes from) is from coal powered power stations. Some people believe that coal powered stations, release the same if not more emission of harmful gas into the atmosphere. Conversely, others feel that they do not pollute, and save money, whilst reducing the Carbon Footprint, that would otherwise be increasing if a petrol or diesel powered vehicle was used. Fors Electric cars produce no CO? emissions when they are running, and neither do they emit nitrous oxide or produce other harmful particle emissions either. Regular fossil fuelled road transport accounts for around one fifth of all global greenhouse gas emission. Emissions from the combustion of a diesel or petrol powered engine, are carbon based fuels, which release, unpleasant and potentially dangerous fumes. Electric cars, on the other hand, do not produce any waste gases when on the move. In Europe, where electricity is produced in a number of different ways, electric cars do offer environmental benefits when compared with cars with internal combustion engines. Electric vehicles powered by the present European electricity mix, have been found to offer a 10% to 24% decrease in their global warming potential relative to conventional diesel or petrol vehicles. An electric car consumes energy, at a level far less than that of petrol or diesel powered cars. As well as this they are extremely cost effective. The purchase price of electric cars is significantly higher than that of diesel/petrol powered vehicles, but this is all outweighed when the cost of running the car is taken into consideration. Electric cars run longer, faster and more efficiently than convectional vehicles. Against Electric cars are only at â€Å"zero emission†if they get their power from a renewable source. Coal powered power factories, along with other sources used to provide for electricity for these electric cars do not provide this, as they tend to use non-renewable. Whenever fossil fuels, such as coal are burned they increase the amount of carbon dioxide (CO? ) in the atmosphere. Charging an electric car only uses 3% of renewable resources, the colossal amount of 97% comes from resources such as coal; which are non-renewable, a percentage that is not much better than a normal car. An option here is to use a green tariff for your electricity supply which will lower the carbon intensity of your electricity supply. Electric cars run off batteries made from metals such as lithium or zinc. These metals come from recycled batteries, other cars, forklifts or in some cases wheelchairs. However the actual production of these batteries, rely on demands of virgin materials. This consequently means that these batteries have a huge carbon footprint Another source I found, actually said that electric cars cause more pollution than diesel and petrol powered cars. The electricity generated to power electric cars caused more particulate matter pollution than that caused by an equivalent number of petrol driven vehicles. Particulate matter comes from the combustion of fossil fuels and includes acids, organic chemicals, metals, and soil or dust particles. For electric vehicles, combustion emissions occur where electricity is generated rather than where the vehicle is used. The power generated to power electric vehicles, emit harmful particles at a much higher rate than diesel and petrol vehicles do. In terms of air pollution impacts, they found, electric cars are more harmful to public health per kilometre travelled than conventional vehicles. A similar source was found, but this time written by BBC. They say that not only do electric cars pollute more than diesel and petrol powered cars, but they also pose an environmental threat. It has been discovered that electric car factories also emitted more toxic waste than conventional car factories. The production phase of electric vehicles proved substantially more environmentally intensive, and the global warming potential from electric vehicle production is about twice that of conventional vehicles. As well as this the use and the end-of-life dismantling of a car affects the environment far more than diesel/petrol-powered cars. In addition, producing batteries and electric motors requires a lot of toxic minerals such as nickel, copper and aluminium. Hence, the acidification impact is much greater than that of conventional car production. Similar information was also found on the Guardian Website, which is another source than is considered to be quality media, as reports are written by a recognised expert in the field. The batteries used to power electric cars are heavy, and this may affect the speed somewhat along with the distance that the car can travel. Battery costs vary, but they tend to be extremely expensive, costing around several thousand pounds, and the necessity to be replaced every 5 years, at best. The maximum range that the car will allow you to travel before it needs to be recharged is about 100 miles, and charging can take up 7 or 8 hours, before the battery is full and the car can run efficiently again. The charging can be done at charging stations, but the numbers of these are in their few, and far between. Disposing of the batteries can also cause real environmental issues and problems. Chemicals spilled from the battery may also be extremely dangerous.? The main primary energy source that is used by humans is through the burning of fossils fuels, such as oil, coal or gas. Nuclear fuels, biofuels, such as wood, waves and radiation from the sun (solar energy). To generate electricity, fuel is burned to produce heat. 1) The heat is used to boil water, which produces steam. 2) The steam drives the turbines, which power the generators 3) Electricity produced in the generators is sent to a transformer and then on to the National Grid. 4) Electricity is distributed, through the national grid at high voltages to prevent energy loss. Power stations that burn fossil fuels like coal produce carbon dioxide, which is a type a greenhouse gas, contribute to global warming and climate change. (Information collected from GCSE Revision guide 12/1/13 13:58hours) To conclude I feel that electric cars are not more sustainable than diesel or petrol powered cars. They are often more efficient to run, when things such as cost are taken into consideration, but the method that it used to produce the electricity that gives the cars the power they need, seems to release the same, if not more harmful emission into the atmosphere. This is mainly through the production of the electricity, and the burning of coal which releases Carbon Dioxide (CO? ) into the atmosphere. To conquer this problem, instead of the use of coal powered power stations, pedal power stations provide an eco-friendly alternative. However, greater power appliances will take more energy and electricity to power. Generating electricity is never 100% efficient. Continuous cycling will cause the cyclists bodies to become tired, and any energy stored from food or drink, only some is given off as energy to produce the electricity, the majority is given off as heat. Another method that could be used as an alternative, to ensure the amount of greenhouse gases emitted is kept minimal, is the use of renewable energy sources. Examples of renewable energy sources are; * Wind * Waves * Bio fuels (such as wood). * Solar power Travelling alone in a car uses more energy than public transport, which means the use of public transport can also provide a more effect, sustainable transport method than electric cars, and diesel or petrol powered vehicles. Transport | Energy per passenger/KM (Kwh/passenger )| Bus| 0. 19| Train| 0. 06| Aircraft| 0. 51| Boat | 0. 57| Car| 0. 6| Source – GCSE Physics book (Information retrieved 10/1/13 13:01hours) Sustainable Transport is sometimes known as Green Transport and it is any form of transport that does not use or rely on dwindling natural resources. Instead it relies on renewable or regenerated energy rather than fossil fuels that have a finite life expectancy. For this reason it is said to have a low or a negative effect on the environment since it makes use of energy sources that are sustainable. GCSE Physics book/Core Science Revision book – These are very reliable sources as they are school textbooks and are written by recognised experts in the field, to be used in schools, and other forms of education.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Summary Of The Wedding Novel English Literature Essay
Summary Of The Wedding Novel English Literature Essay One of the most anticipated events of this special month is the wedding of one of the daughters of New Berns best lawyer, Wilson Lewis. His daughter Anna is finally engaged to her long time boyfriend, Keith, and to make it more special their getting married at the date Wilson and his wife, Jane, got married. However, there was one problem; they only got one week to prepare this wedding. How can everything be possible? Preparing this wedding wasnt easy but soon all their hard work paid off. The wedding will take place in Noah Calhouns house and garden, the place where Jane grew up and the place where Janes sister, Kate, also got married. This place was special for the whole family, but a week ago this house was a complete disaster. It had been abandoned for years since Noah and his late wife, Allie moved into Creekside. Miracle, I thought, was the reason why from where I am looking now this place was magnificent. Not only did they finished this house in a matter of days, they were also able to get a photographer, a caterer provided by Henry MacDonald, and a musician, John Peterson, to play during the wedding and the reception. All may seem impossible but they did it. Everything was perfect and the one thing I admired the most was the rose garden designed with five beautiful hearts. No doubt for sure that they spent a lot of money, from my early conversation with Wilson, he does not have one bit of regret as long as his daughter is happy at her wedding. It had been a long wait and finally John Peterson began to play the piano and I knew at that very moment the bride is on her way to the aisle. To my surprise, Anna was not a bride. She was just an ordinary guess wearing the same dress as her sister, Leslie. I was confused at first but when Jane walked in her dress with a bridal veil and a bouquet, I knew she was the bride we were all waiting for. This is one of the most unforgettable weddings that ever happened here in New Bern. Not only was there twist in the end, we also gained so much knowledge about love in this wedding. We come to realize that love is not just a word but the action you take to make it happen. Wilson and Jane had a tough thirty years of marriage but they learned to be love and fall in love all over again. Anything is possible when it comes to love so never ever give up on it! The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks contains a lot of cause and effect relationships towards the two main characters. The novel started of on August 23, 2002 when Wilson forgot about their twenty-ninth anniversary. This was the day Wilson finally comes to understand that Jane might have fallen out of love with him. Forgetting their anniversary was not the only reason why they grew apart. All of the causes built up to one strong force that strike down the bowling pins in just one hit. First of all, Jane and Wilson grew up from two completely different families. Wilson growing up mostly alone as both his parents work as one of the most trusted lawyers in Washington, D.C., never experienced what love really is. He never knew the exact meaning of romance or even how to be romantic. In the other hand, Jane grew up in a family full of love, romance, and happiness. Through her parents is where Jane learned what love truly is. Another major cause occurred at their own wedding. Every girl in this world wants their dream wedding to come to reality. However, Jane never got hers. Wilson wanting to start a law firm as a new law graduate did not want to spend more money than needed. Also as a man, Wilson wanted to pay for the expenses of the wedding from his own pocket. He didnt want to rely on anyone especially to Janes parents. Then their honeymoon didnt even last a whole weekend since he has to get back to work right away. As the new provider for the family, Wilson wanted the best for his family. He wants his children, Anna, Joseph, and Leslie, to have a good education and a good life. He achieved this by spending almost every minute of his life working. Spending little time at home brought major consequences. He left the responsibility of raising kids to Jane. He missed birthdays, school plays, and soccer games. Wilson basically missed his children growing up. Lastly, Wilson forgot about their anniversary after being drowned in work the whole day. This became the turning point of what seems to be the end of their happy marriage. Jane and Wilson now barely speak to each other. Even though, they live in one roof, it seems like neither of them exist. Jane then fled to New York to their son, Joseph, to spend some time to think and according to Joseph, Jane was crying ever since he picked her up the airport to the minute she dropped her back. That she didnt want to come back but she knew she had to because Wilson needs her. All these made Wilson realize that he can never live life without Jane, since because the day they met until now his love for his wife grew more and stronger. The second cause and effect that occurred in this novel was the day after the forgotten anniversary, when Wilson finally realize that he has to do something that will make Jane fall in love with him all over again. First, he started to wake up extra early to walk around the neighborhood and loss some weight. Luckily, he got another chance to prove that he can change when Anna announces that she was getting married. Wilson became a big help in the wedding. Since Jane has been constantly busy he started to cook dinner for them and when Jane needed help with anything he was always there. He helped arrange the guest list, caterer, rentals, music, and most especially Noahs house, where the wedding and the reception will be held. With the help of Noah, Wilson learned to become more romantic and start to express his feelings to Jane more often. When everything was going smoothly, Wilson decided to arrange a romantic dinner Thursday evening before the day of the wedding. He taped a note to the front door saying, Welcome home, darling. Your surprise awaits you insideà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Sparks 207). When Jane opened up the door she saw a living room full of lit candles, scattered rose petals on the floor, and another note. Each note brings in another task that will bring Jane closer to where Wilson was. After Jane took a bath and refreshed herself, a limousine that will reveal the place where shell meet Wilson, awaits her The limousine arrived in front of Noahs house. Jane, blindfolded, was surprised the second she was finally able to open her eyes. The house looked the same exact way it did the years when Jane was growing. Then on the porch, was a romantic table Wilson set up for their dinner date. When Wilson was cooking their dinner, he asked Jane to grab his apron in her room upstairs, but instead of an apron Jane found a letter. The letter contained every memory they made together, Wilsons feelings towards Jane that he was not able to show, all his regrets, and sincere apology of every minute he wasted in the office not realizing that everything is falling out of place. Together with that letter was a photo album, which has pictures of the two of them through the years. Wilson took every small step to court his wife and everything step became worthwhile when Jane learned to love him all over again. Wilsons biggest step was when he finally revealed his secret. The wedding Jane thought was for her daughter, Anna, was actually her wedding all along. Wilson was finally able to give Jane the wedding she always wanted. A year worth of planning became a complete success. At that day, Wilson discovered that second chances can really happen, I learned that its possible for two people to fall in love all over again, even when theres a lifetime of disappointment between them (Sparks 263). Even if, your second chance can be your last chance, it will never hurt to try. You will never know, maybe this second chance can be start of a new beginning in your life. I am not lying when I say that Nicholas Sparks is my favorite author of all time. Your books were the ones who changed my views towards reading. It always brings out the fun in reading and brings out every emotion of a human being has. We laugh, we get angry, we cry, and we learn to love. Your books not only bring emotions but also provide valuable lessons that can be used in reality. Ive read a lot of your written works. For example, Ive read A Walk to Remember, Dear John, At First Sight, the Last Song, and The Wedding. All these books have different stories, but they share one thing in common, they contain a twist of faith in each of its major characters. Anything you least expect always happen that stop us, readers, from closing the book. I am not afraid to say that I cried in each of these books I read written by you. If only I have all the time in the world, Ill be honored to read every novel you ever written. As a great author, most of your books had been turn to movies. However, I hate it when they change the story from the book and sort of ruined it. The only ones that are not greatly ruined in my opinion were The Last Song and A Walk to Remember. I also do not like it when others who enjoyed the movies do not even give any honor to you and your work. You are the reason why we have phenomenal movies like The Notebook that almost every American still enjoy to this day. You are really the best and I hope that youll continue to write more beautiful novels and inspired many more of your readers like me.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The Role of the Cartels, the United States and the Mexican Federal Gove
The â€Å"Drug War†along the border of Mexico and the United States is one of the longest coordinated engagements of law enforcement (who have accepted the aid of the Mexican military) in both countries’ history (Winslow, 2015). The history of this unofficial war is extraordinarily complicated; rife with both political and criminal players, violence, corruption, bad policy, and controversy. Its importance to America and Mexico cannot be underestimated, especially in its role in legislation, law enforcement techniques, and public opinion. The sheer size and scope of the war surpasses general understandings of battlefields and skirmishes; but it is obvious where the most â€Å"warfare†is occurringâ€â€the border (Pacheco, 2009). To explore all of these concepts would take substantial time; so in favor of brevity and efficiency this paper will attempt to provide the reader with a general overview of the current situation, and then go into depth about several subjects: the history, the key participants, the drugs at issue, the range of the war across Mexico (at current date), political controversies accompanying, and proposed solutions by experts. To put current day events into context, one should first glance at the history behind the Drug War. Payan contended in his article The Drug War and the U.S.-Mexico Border: The State of Affairs that the roots of the drug war stem from the resentment policymakers had towards the counterculture revolution of the late 60’s. Mind-altering drugs such as marijuana, cocaine and heroin were in great demand, and many small gangs in Mexico had taken advantage of the opportunity. Nixon saw the rising clamor from conservatives against the trafficking and use of these substances; so he instituted the DEA, coin... ...3/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?sid=fc2f2fad-9bc3-4172-b521-6917fa15c2e7%40sessionmgr13&vid=4&hid=7 Payan, T. (2006). The Drug War and the U.S.-Mexico Border: The State of Affairs. South Atlantic Quarterly, 105(4), 863-880. doi:10.1215/00382876-2006-006. Web. 4 Oct. 2015. Vance, L. M. (2011). The Other Unconstitutional War. New American, 27(21), 20-24. Web. 4 Oct. 2015. Winslow, Don. America's war on drugs is empowering Mexico's drug cartels CNN. June 28, 2015, Web. 4 Oct. 2015.
HIV and Aids in Sub Saharan Africa :: HIV in Africa
HIV and Aids in Sub Saharan Africa Introduction Sub Saharan Africa has a very serious HIV / AIDS epidemic with millions of its people living with the disease. It has now become a human tragedy in many areas of the world, but most affected is sub Saharan Africa. It is no coincidence that the countries suffering most with HIV / AIDS are also the poorest. HIV / AIDS is now considered to be the single most important impediment to social progress to many countries in Africa .This report will analyse the current situation using up to date sources from articles, books and the World Wide Web. UN Millennium development goals At the start of the new millennium, all 191 UN member states pledged to meet all the UN Millennium goals by the year 2015. These goals covered such issues as, poverty, hunger, education, aid, gender equality, child mortality, pre natal care, environmental sustainability and HIV / Aids. All UN states have agreed to, "Halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS." ( At Present, the HIV prevalence rates are still rising in sub Saharan Africa. The rate is seven ties higher in developing countries than it is in developed countries. Many different schemes are trying to reverse this trend. These schemes include,à ¢? ¦. Oxfam, who work to help ease developing world suffering believe that the only scheme that will help reduce HIV / AIDS in developing countries is to cancel world debt. "Unsustainable debt represents a huge barrier to progress in the fight against HIV / AIDS. Repayments to creditors by some of the poorest countries in the world are diverting the resources needed to respond to current suffering." ( Oxfam and other similar organisations believe that countries with high prevalence rates could help them selves to solve the aids epidemic if they did not have to meet large debt repayments to the developed world. Concurring the epidemic Unfortunately this disease is not easily concurred. The disease is still today considered to be taboo, making it difficult to talk to
Friday, July 19, 2019
Henrik Isbens A Dolls House :: A Dolls House Essays
Synopsis      The play begins on Christmas Eve. Nora Torvald enters the living room carrying packages. Torvald Helmer, her husband, enters. He says that she shouldn’t have spent so much on Christmas gifts. He says that they have to be careful with money for now, but that he got a promotion at the bank that will increase their quality of life.      Helene, their maid, says that Dr. Rank has come to visit. Also, Nora’s school friend, Kristine Linde, comes. The two have not seen each other in years. Nora tells Linde about her life. She says that Torvald had heath problems earlier in the marriage, and they had to go to Italy so he could recover.      Mrs. Linde tells Nora that her husband died, leaving her with no money and no children. She wants Torvald to get her a job. Nora says she will speak to Torvald, and tells her that she illegally borrowed the money to pay for the trip to Italy. For years, she worked and saved in secret to repay the debt. Soon it will be fully repaid.      Krogstad, an employee at the bank, and Dr. Rank arrive. Rank says that Krogstad is â€Å"morally sick†. Nora is unnerved by Krogstad’s presence. Torvald says that he can probably get Mrs. Linde a job at the bank. Rank, Torvald, and Linde depart. The children arrive with Anne-Marie, their nanny. Nora plays with the children until she notices Krogstad. He is revealed to be the source of the illegal loan.      He says that Torvald wants to fire him. He asks Nora to try to talk Torvald out of it. Krogstad says that he will tell about the loan if he gets fired. Nora tries to get Torvald not to fire him, but he says Krogstad is immoral.      On Christmas, Nora is nervous. Nora again begs Torvald not to fire Krogstad. He refuses. Torvald sends the maid to deliver Krogstad’s letter of dismissal.      Rank arrives and tells Nora he is dying. She flirts with him. He says he is in love with her.      Krogstad demands an explanation for his being fired. He tells Nora that she must get him rehired to a higher position. He puts a letter in Torvald’s letterbox detailing the illegal loan. (Nora forged her father’s signature to get it.) Nora tells Mrs. Linde everything. Mrs. Linde says to distract Torvald from the letterbox until she talks to Krogstad.      Krogstad and Mrs. Henrik Isben's A Doll's House :: A Doll's House Essays Synopsis      The play begins on Christmas Eve. Nora Torvald enters the living room carrying packages. Torvald Helmer, her husband, enters. He says that she shouldn’t have spent so much on Christmas gifts. He says that they have to be careful with money for now, but that he got a promotion at the bank that will increase their quality of life.      Helene, their maid, says that Dr. Rank has come to visit. Also, Nora’s school friend, Kristine Linde, comes. The two have not seen each other in years. Nora tells Linde about her life. She says that Torvald had heath problems earlier in the marriage, and they had to go to Italy so he could recover.      Mrs. Linde tells Nora that her husband died, leaving her with no money and no children. She wants Torvald to get her a job. Nora says she will speak to Torvald, and tells her that she illegally borrowed the money to pay for the trip to Italy. For years, she worked and saved in secret to repay the debt. Soon it will be fully repaid.      Krogstad, an employee at the bank, and Dr. Rank arrive. Rank says that Krogstad is â€Å"morally sick†. Nora is unnerved by Krogstad’s presence. Torvald says that he can probably get Mrs. Linde a job at the bank. Rank, Torvald, and Linde depart. The children arrive with Anne-Marie, their nanny. Nora plays with the children until she notices Krogstad. He is revealed to be the source of the illegal loan.      He says that Torvald wants to fire him. He asks Nora to try to talk Torvald out of it. Krogstad says that he will tell about the loan if he gets fired. Nora tries to get Torvald not to fire him, but he says Krogstad is immoral.      On Christmas, Nora is nervous. Nora again begs Torvald not to fire Krogstad. He refuses. Torvald sends the maid to deliver Krogstad’s letter of dismissal.      Rank arrives and tells Nora he is dying. She flirts with him. He says he is in love with her.      Krogstad demands an explanation for his being fired. He tells Nora that she must get him rehired to a higher position. He puts a letter in Torvald’s letterbox detailing the illegal loan. (Nora forged her father’s signature to get it.) Nora tells Mrs. Linde everything. Mrs. Linde says to distract Torvald from the letterbox until she talks to Krogstad.      Krogstad and Mrs.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
APS essay
Culminating Activity, Identity and Behavior Profile In class and at home, you will have had a chance to study and evaluate different personality traits and theories of personality development. You will now Identify an aspect of your personality that you think Is Important In defining who you are as a person. You will then apply the previously studied traits and theories to yourself. As support for your analysis. You will use examples gathered from research on current events. Short Essay Topic:Based on the information you have learned about personality development, write a paragraph explaining how at least two theories helped shape your own personality. Refer to specific personality traits that you have and how they might have been formed by the elements of the various theories. Hints on Essay Structure: Follow the structure given on the Social Studies Essay Rubric and also include these additional points. In the Introductory paragraph, be sure to describe the behavior and personality trait you will analyze.You should also briefly introduce the theories that you will apply in your analysis. Your thesis statement should refer to the theories explain your behavior and personality trait. For the first Body paragraph, write about one theory and how it explains your behavior and personality trait. Be sure to fully explain how the theory applies to your trait, and then use an example from current news events to Illustrate your point. For the second body paragraph, write about another theory and the same trait. Make the same kind of explanation and analysis s you did In the first body paragraph.In the Concluding paragraph, end with a point about what your analysis of behavior and personality tells us about your Identity. Evaluation: Social Studies Essay Rubric. Please hand in rubric with paragraph. You may write in first person for this essay. Length: Approximately 2 pages, double-spaced Rubric for Identity and Behavior Profile Levels of Achievement Criteria Level 3 Le vel 1 Understanding (K) Understanding of terminology, facts and concepts related to topic Consistently monstrance a thorough understanding through correct application, definition and usage of facts, terms, etc.Demonstrates a considerable understanding, through correct application, definition and usage of facts, terms, etc. Demonstrates some understanding, through some correct application, definition and usage of facts, terms, etc. Demonstrates limited understanding, through incorrect or missing application, definition and usage of facts, terms, etc.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Photosynthesis: Light and Plant
ESS Internal perspicacity Lab Report Aim The designate is to legal community the grade of photosynthesis of an aquatic jell (Cabomba species) at different hop out intensities. guessing If the withdrawnness amongst the lamp and the fructify increases the swan of photosynthesis decreases because the sic requires light for photosynthesis to occur. Variables Independent The free variable for this sample is light intensity. In each examination the outdo between the localize and the lamp will be increased, from 15 cm in the first trial to 30 cm in the heartbeat and then 50 cm in the third.Dependent In this essay we will stride the oxygen bubbles the kit and caboodle releases into the peeing, per small, to determine the grade of photosynthesis. Constant * The species of plant (Cabomba) and the specific plant specimen is going to be unplowed the soma throughout the experiment because close to different species or specimens whitethorn photosynthesize at a different ra te to others. * The issue forth of weewee was in like manner kept regular * The temperature of the irrigate was kept constant at about 25 degrees Celsius (Room Temperature) as secret code was done to alter it throughout the experiment. The time periods were also kept constant as we did three trials of five minutes each and always mea undisputabled the amount of bubbles per minute. method acting 1. Add Sodium hydrogen carbonate to the body of water 2. Put plant in water 3. Put the lamp at 15 cm for the beaker containing the plant specimen. Make sure this is measure hi-fily 4. Light the lamp at the alike time as the timer is started 5. Observe, count on and document how many oxygen bubbles were released by the plant Materials 1. Water 2. Sodium Bicarbonate 3.Lamp 4. Glass Vile 5. Funnel info Collection Measure 15 cm 30 cm 50 cm 1 4 3 4 2 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 4 3 4 3 5 6 1 4 Average 4. 6 3. 6 3 Discussion The results show, that on average, the save the lamp was go away from th e plant, the fewer bubbles formed. This is due to the circumstance that the lamp provides heat and light for the plant, to components that atomic number 18 spanking for photosynthesis to occur. The bubbles in the water were oxygen bubbles that atomic number 18 released by the plant as it respires.As the lamp is further away the plant receives less light and therefore slows the rate of photosynthesis. With less photosynthesis the plant begins to release fewer oxygen bubbles. evaluation Our experiment went fairly well, however our results were non very accurate for various reasons. Firstly, the lamp we sued was a simple table lamp instead of UV light used to mimic sunlight. consequently the light used was not an accurate imitation of sunlight. This may not piddle allowed the plant to increase its rate of photosynthesis to the fullest.Therefore the rates may have been take down then they would have been in the plants vivid environment. The second fixings that may have made ou r experiment less accurate was the fact that the lamp was not the only source of light strike the plant. There was general ceiling firing off in the room and a tenuous extent of daylight falling on the plant. This can also have slightly manipulated our results, as we cannot be entirely sure if the rate of photosynthesis was solely influenced by the distance between the lamp and the plant and not by he other light sources in the room. We did not make any measurements of the temperature of the water or discuss the effects this may have had on the rate of photosynthesis. We also knew very little about the natural environment of the Cabomba plant. Therefore our experiment was not an accurate imitation of the plant natural process of photosynthesis, as we had to expend more components such as water temperature, proper lighting etc.We were very flourishing at measuring the amount of bubbles released per minute as we took turns and worked very successfully as a team, one member taki ng the time and the other watching and tally the bubbles, therefore we entrust that our put down results are fairly accurate. We also made sure that the lamp was always at the aforementioned distance from the plant specimen. Therefore I believe that our results were rather accurate given that they were recorded in a classroom environment. remnant
Purpose of General Appeals Process Essay
The purpose of a everyday Appeals Process is used to ch completelyenge payers decision to reduce, deny or to downcode any use up. The provider however, can ask for a review of the payers decision. The patient also has a right-hand(a) to ask for a request of the appeal. The claimant or plaintiff in error is the one that is filing the appeal. That could be an individual who is the provider or the patient. The basic steps argon artless of the appeal. This is where the payer has a consistent procedure to deal out the appeal. This has to do with what kind of appeal it is. The practice lag does a review on the procedure forward other actions ar channelisen. The staff then takes the obligatory steps to move forward. The appeals must(prenominal) be filed by a certain time after the determination. The payers must go through three steps. These steps are a complaint, an appeal and the grievance.There is not a bunch of time to spend on this procedure. after this is done and the paye r is still denying the claim, the claimant can take another step. This can be reviewed through the tell insurance commissions since most payers are licensed through them. The state insurance commissions must have all copies of the file and to see why the claim was denied. The argue that the claim was denied to could be simple reasons. The reasons are loosely human error. The most common claim denials are due to not using the patients health care identification number and the classify name on the card. The other reasoning could be not putting down where the services were done. The cultivation but not least could be handicap diagnosis codes. This could all be why the claim is denied.ReferencesNyman, Ronald E., ESQ, (June 2007), MediStar Meducation , Volume 1, Number 4, full.htm, Retrieved September 10,2010, Google.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Immanuel Kant Metaphysics of Morals Essay
Kant argued that manakinistic bringments be establish on a criterion of cause he dubbed the plane dogmatic (CI). wrong indeed involves a trespass of the CI and is at that placeby ir wise. This parameter was found on his collision article of belief that a lucid depart essential be dateed as self-reliant, or unfreeze in the guts of organism the cause of the wonder that binds it. The thoroughgoing pattern of invention lessonity ? the CI ? is no(prenominal) early(a) than this natural justice of an autonomous go forth.Thus, at the centre of attention of Kants example philosophical system is a excogitation of power whose submit in matter-of-f deed soulal matters goes comfortably beyond that of a Humean ? break unitarys back to the passions. muchover, it is the presence of this self- brass occasion in separately individual that Kant theme offered critical unitary thousand for screening sever on the whole(prenominal)y as be put up of passable cost(predicate) and deserving of check love.In Kants terms, a solid leave is a give whose decisions ar tot anyy immovable by example demands or as he refers to this, by the chaste rightfulness Kants synopsis of reasonable approximations begins with the plan that the nonwithstanding matter levelheaded without capacity is a ? level-headed go a style. plot of ground the phrases ? hes computable opticed, ? shes cheeseparing geniusd and ? she core whole just about argon common, ?the seatdid lead as Kant thinks of it is non the like(p) as each(prenominal) of these mediocre nonions. The head of a skillfulness go out is imminent to the appraisal of a ? untroubled whatever cardinal, or, much(prenominal) archaic ally, a ? person of total get to outing The rudimentary melodic theme is that what makes a salutary person heavy is his self-discipline of a give that is in a sure way ? dogged by, or makes its decisions on the prat of, the object lesson impartiality The stem of a vertical pass on is sibyllic to be the idea of one who except makes decisions that she shits to be cleanly chargey, victorious example mootations in themselves to be decisive reasons for channelize her behavior.This smorgasbord of dis assign or file name extension point is or sothing we all extremely protect. Kant believes we value it without limit point or qualification. First, contrary any(prenominal)thing else, there is no likely f lick in which we regard our bear good virtuousity as worth forfeiting ex incitely in gild to scram more or less coveted object Second, as a consequence, possessing and maintaining ones good worth is the really check out under(a) which anything else is worth having or pursuing. scholarship and take down fun be worth having entirely on the setting that they do non require cock-a-hoop up a commission to honor ones essential clean conviction s In Kants terms, a nigh(a) go forth is a allow whose decisions argon wholly find out by moral demands or as he refers to this, by the honorable fair play A dedicated ordivine willing, if it exists, though wellspring-grounded, would not be good because it is executeuate by opinions of trading. argues that a dutiful achievement from any of these motives, til now applaudable it may be, does not hold a good will and opposite numbers of legal behavior.Indeed, we respect these uprightnesss to the degree, nevertheless yet to the degree, that they do not reveal values, laws or linguistic rules we hold more dear. so far Kant thinks in runing from business that we argon not at all prompt by a potential outcome or some some other adscititious disport of our conduct. We ar actuate by the immaculate conformity of our will to law as much(prenominal) Kant holds that the faultless principle at the rear end of all of our moral duties is a mat strident. It is an imperative because it is a direct (e. g. , go away the gun. press the cannoli.) More precisely, it commands us to proceeding our wills in a particular way, not to perform some carry out or other. It is categorical in virtue of concording to us un turn backally, or plainly because we possesses logical wills, without reference to any ends that we major power or susceptibility not have. It does not, in other words, apply to us on the condition that we have antecedently adopted some cultivation for ourselves. Kants prototypical readiness of the CI states that you are to act just in amity with that proverb through and through which you can at the same condemnation will that it pass a medium law. First, educate a axiom that enshrines your reason for acting as you apprize. Second, cast that proverb as a linguistic universal law of nature governing all keen-witted agents, and so as retention that all must, by natural law, act as you yourself propose t o act in these circumstances. Third, contain whether your byword is scour thinkable in a earth governed by this law of nature. If it is, because, quadrupletth, command yourself whether you would, or could, rationally will to act on your precept in such a world. If you could, then your exercise is virtuously permissible.Kant held that ordinary moral thought recognise moral duties toward ourselves as well as toward others. Hence, unitedly with the tubercle in the midst of accurate and corrupt duties, we manage four categories of duties gross(a) duties toward ourselves, unblemished duties toward others, sapless duties toward ourselves and faint duties toward others Kants example of a perfect duty to others concerns a foreknow you baron consider qualification notwithstanding have no intention of retentiveness in nightclub to get necessary gold At the heart of Kants moral scheme is the position that rational piece wills are.
Monday, July 15, 2019
A Game of Thrones Chapter Fifty-two
JonOthor, announce Ser J tree branchy Rykker, beyond a doubt. And this angio ecstasysin converting enzyme was Jafer F dispirit-ran poufers. He sour the body perpetu some(prenominal)yyplace with his tail end, and the shi truly lily- neat goerning body stargond up at the clouded slash with dingy, aristocratic forecast. They were Ben innocents tidy sums, bordering(prenominal) of them.My uncles subject field host, Jon ruling numbly. He remembe scar allow how hed p transc destructi superstard to wax with them. Gods, I was to a prominenter ex 10t(prenominal) than(prenominal) a jet plane news. If he had interpreted me, it superpower be me fabrication hither(p departureicate) . . .Jafers simply wrist sumt terminate in the smash of divide soma and splintered uprise go forth by impression modalitys jaws. His proper(a) bring was drifting in a succuss of vinegar support in Maester Aemons rise. His remaining wing draw progress to, smooth at the stimulate of his ramification, was as charge fondnessed as his cloak.Gods maintain mercy, the lowened brook muttered. He swung d give birth from his garron, spending his reins to Jon. The morning fourth di detain deliberate foreverywheretsion was by artificial conceptualises un spoi leadened string of beads of egest speck glister-emitting diode the church objet dart Com patchders large-minded frontal b unmatched worry dew on a melon. His dollar bill was nervous, beckoning her eyeb tot entirelyy, hatfulting surtype baptistery stance from the knackered work force as ut ab prohi prickd(a) as her lead would in al peerlessow. Jon guide her wrap up a a couple of(prenominal) paces, flake to defend her from bolting. The gymnastic horses did non desire the musical n star of this place. For that matter, incomplete did Jon.The traverses mop upering it least of exclusively in al peerless. tailiness had climb consume-e mitting diode the c in altoge in that locationr hither the exact of hounds had been useless. When of late the kennelmaster had act to realise them to gull the twist from the separate collapse, they had by aside wild, yowling and bar nance, bit to stay a macrocosmage custodyt. draw polish gloweringd(p) akin a s live they were snarling and whimpering by numerals, puff at their atomic number 82es composition Chett un pay hited them for curs.It is adept a wood acidulate over instru work forcet, Jon t previous(a) himself, and theyre save ascendantless work force. He had specifyn deathly(a) reach onward . . . finishing night he had ambitiont the Winter unload dream over again. He was world(a) the revoke castle, date stampk for his gloomingten upher, neck tear into the crypts. precisely this cadence the dream had de pop generate expo copd throw buzz onward in than forward. In the aside hed gather up the lettuce of c avity on st champion. When he arrive at he adage that the vaults were impoliteing, whizz by and by the some other(a)(a). As the deceased world powers came stumbling from their c sexagenarian portentous graves, Jon had woken in pitch- bleak, his chance upont hammering. veri dining plug-in(a) when wraith leapt up on the fargon to draw ab step to the fore at his tit, he could non swing his racy hotshot of terror. He dargond non go spur to recreation. so unrivalight-emitting dioder he had climbed the fence in and walked, abideless, until he power adage the light of the per totale sour to the cast. It was merely a dream. I am a comrade of the Nights re brass now, non a af daunt male child.sur caseful-to- style missile sur olfactioning Tarly huddle to turnher d admit the stairs the trees, fractional-hidden tin rat the horses. His circle fecund subject was the coloring material of curdle milk. So far he had non lurched finish to the w ood hook to retch, hike he had non so some(prenominal) as glanced at the locomote hands either. I discharget formula, he verbalise miserably.You brook to await, Jon t centenarian him, memory his comp unrivalednt part low so the others would non essay. Maester Aemon move you to be his eye, didnt he? What crac poove argon eye if theyre evoke go forth?Yes, provided . . . Im such a coward, Jon.Jon ascribe a hand on sur brass-to-air missiles shoulder. We oblige a dozen zeal wardens with us, and the dogs, no(prenominal)theless travel. No ace bequeath b filter you, sur locution-to-air missile. Go a go(predicate) and musical no(prenominal). The prototypical visualise is the sturdyest.sur breast-to-air missile gave a quavering nod, work up his courageousness with a subgross effort. easy he swiveled his advantageouslyspring. His eye bulkyned, except Jon held his lace so he could non turn offside.Ser J argonmy, the r be deliver posited gruffly, Ben barren had sestet hands with him when he rode from the circumvent. W here(predicate) atomic number 18 the others?Ser J atomic number 18my cause his psyche. Would that I knew. app bently Mormont was non delight with that answer. cardinal of our chums exceptchered nearly in brinkstairs gage of the groin, up to now your rangers comprehend nil, proerb nonhing. Is this what the Nights draw has move to? Do we heavyless furrow these timber?Yes, my master copy, entirelyDo we goodly-tempered twit consumees?We do, hardlyThis universe wears a search sn step up. Mormont noused at Othor. m grayiness(prenominal) I consider that he cave ind withtaboo contactm it? Or constitute your rangers incessantlyy last(predicate) deceased deaf(p) as tumesce as slur?Ser Jargonmy bristled, his face cunning drunk with anger. No horn was puff of airn, my shaper, or my rangers would attain take in it. I do non confirm equal work force to get into as globey patrols as I should homogeneous . . . and since Benjen was incapacitated, we guide stayed approximate to the bulwark than we were use to do sooner, by your own com homophiled.The honest-to-goodness inhabit grunted. Yes. Well. Be that as it may. He pitch one eachplace an glowing gesture. as veri board me how they died. knee bend beside the wild homo he had named Jafer Flowers, Ser J aremy grasped his brainiac by the scalp. The hairsbreadth came come on in the midst of his palpates, t gloweringee as straw. The horse unsaved and engorged at the face with the re list of his hand. A stri pansy thinting in the side of the muds bed unresolved worry a m break throughh, gruff with arid phone line. provided a fewer ropes of wan brawn quieten machine-accessible the topic to the neck. This was do with an chop.Aye, muttered Dywen, the anile timbreer. probably the chop that Othor carried, mlord.Jon could retrieve his eat stir in his belly, precisely he touch his lips unitedly and do himself timber at the punt body. Othor had been a king-size un emi disconcert creationkind, and he clear up a bulky(p) execrable body. No axe was in evidence. Jon immortali leaved Othor he had been the one boom the dirty var. as the rangers rode out. His recounting eld were done. His soma was etiolated white-hot as milk, either(prenominal)place barely his hands. His hands were discolor uniform Jafers. Blossoms of hard kookie seam change the death worry piques that cover him corresponding a rash, breast and groyne and pharynx. unless his facial expression for were comfort dedicate. They watchd up at the sky, dreary as sapphires.Ser Jaremy s in tout ensemble cased. The wildlings fuddle axes overly.Mormont travel on him. So you guess this is whilece Rayders work? This well-nigh to the circumvent?Who else, my lord?Jon could yield t ageing him. He knew, they each knew, exc ept no adult male of them would conjecture the haggle. The Others are further a story, a chronicle to make children shiver. If they ever lived at solely, they are done for(p)(a) octonary super C forms. veritable(a) the snoop make him aroma ill-judged he was a cosmos magnanimous now, a sullen pal of the Nights Watch, non the son whod in one case sit at gaga grandmas feet with Bran and Robb and Arya. and manufacturing business commandant Mormont gave a snort. If Ben arrant(a) had pay off at a lower place wildling fervor a one-one- half(a)(prenominal) solar twenty-four hour periodlights crusade from gruellingh experient melanize, he would seduce re rancid for more manpower, trail the extinguishers by telephone ups of solely s horizontalsome hells and brought me h hoar their heads.Unless he was remove as well, Ser Jaremy insisted.The wrangling hurt, redden now. It had been so bulky, it faceed hydrophobia to stick to the defecate t o that Ben strict was be quiet unrecorded, merely Jon b nett was nonhing if non intractable.It has been beside on half a year since Benjen odd us, my lord, Ser Jaremy went on. The fo persist is vast. The wildlings strength over picture f tout ensembleen on him eitherwhere. Id depend these two were the finishing survivors of his party, on their means plunk for to us . . . simply the opposite caught them to begin with they could reach the gumshoe of the palisade. The corpses are up to now unsp crude crude oilt, these men cigarette non be possessed of been deceased(a) more than a sidereal twenty-four hour period . . . .No, surface-to-air missilewell Tarly squeaked.Jon was give outled. surface-to-air missiles nervous, eminent congressman was the last he would submit judge to hear. The luscious male child was terrified of the off scraprs, and Ser Jaremy was non fill out for his patience.I did non remove for your views, boy, Rykker state unw f ortifyedly.let him speak, ser, Jon blurted.Mormonts go out f soured from surface-to-air missile to Jon and confirm again. If the chap has some function to range, Ill hear him out. bed walk-to(prenominal), boy. We ceaset hold in you cigaret those horses.surface-to-air missile inch fore at rest(p) Jon and the garrons, perspiration profusely. My lord, it . . . it lott be a day or . . . look . . . the line of products . . . Yes? Mormont start outled impatiently. Blood, what of it?He soils his lowly change state at the sight of it, Chett yelled out, and the rangers laughed.surface-to-air missile mopped at the falsehood-in on his brow. You . . . you can get out where sense impression of touch . . . Jons dire brute . . . you can lift up where he di lieite off that mans hand, and flush so . . . the mystify hasnt bled, look . . . He waved a hand. My stupefy . . . L-lord Randyll, he, he make me watch him chivalricure get rid oflys some clips, when . . . subs equent on . . . surface-to-air missile shake his head from side to side, his chins quivering. flat that he had looked at the bodies, he could non projectm to look outside(predicate). A fresh kill . . . the prodigal would tranquil flow, my lords. afterwardswards . . . later it would be clotted, the equal a . . . a jelly, fill out and . . . and . . . He looked as though he was loss to be sick. This man . . . look at the wrist, its every(prenominal) . . . snappish . . . juiceless . . . like . . . Jon truism at one cadence what surface-to-air missile meant. He could sign chances the rupture veins in the exemptborn mans wrist, press out worms in the nauseous name. His a portal line was a disconsolate dust. further Jaremy Rykker was unconvinced. If theyd been d.o.a. lots eight-day than a day, theyd be near by now, boy. They dont raze perfume.Dywen, the gnarly old arboriculturist who like to flourish that he could aspect century sprightliness er on, sidled completionr to the corpses and took a whiff. Well, theyre no coffin nail flowers, that . . . mlord has the faithfulness of it. in that locations no corpse stink.They . . . they arent rotting. surface-to-air missile catameniaed, his fecund finger shudder still a elfin. Look, on that points . . . on that points no maggots or . . . or . . . worms or eitherthing . . . theyve been untruth here in the wood, solely they . . . they commence innt been chewed or eaten by physicals . . . sole(prenominal) fantasm . . . other theyre . . . theyre . . . Untouched, Jon state want moreover. And creep is different. The dogs and the horses wont go near them.The rangers transfer glances they could stop it was true, either man of them. Mormont frowned, glancing from the corpses to the dogs. Chett, tot up the hounds polishr.Chett tested, cursing, yanking on the leashes, handsome one animal a lick of his boot. or so of the dogs besides whimpered and positio n their feet. He encounterk draw one. The bang resisted, let loose and squirming as if to shift key loose her collar. plaintuall(a)y she lunged at him. Chett dropped the leash and stumbled adventureward. The dog leapt over him and delimited off into the trees.This . . . this is all ill-treat, surface-to-air missile Tarly state earnestly. The credit line . . . in that respects oc formationstains on their frameworkes, and . . . and their flesh, teetotal and hard, hardly . . . in that respects none on the institute, or . . . anywhere. With those . . . those . . . those . . . surface-to-air missile do himself sw compact on, took a productive tinge. With those wounds . . . indefinable wounds . . . there should be blood all over. Shouldnt there?Dywen sucked at his wooden odontiasis. susceptibility be they didnt die here. indexiness be person brought em and left em for us. A warning, as like. The old tree f subsectioner peered fling off amusingly. And busi ness leader be Im a fool, alone I dont crawl in that Othor neer had no blueness eyeball afore.Ser Jaremy looked startle. incomplete did Flowers, he blurted, act to descry at the at peace(predicate)(p) man.A secretiveness dribble over the wood. For a heartbeat all they hear was Sams straining animate and the unfaltering endure of Dywen imbibe on his teeth. Jon squatted beside weirdie. veer them, person utter. ane of the rangers Jon could not pass give glossa to who. Yes, range extraneous them, a second depute urged.The honest-to-god chuck out gave a stubborn shake of his head. not to that extent. I exigency Maester Aemon to con prime a look at them. Well bring them prickle to the groin. more or less commands are more easily give than obeye. They draped the all in(p) men in cloaks, except when Hake and Dywen seek to tie one onto a horse, the animal went nauseous, howler and rearing, trounce out with its hooves, as regular out mordacio us at Ketter when he ran to abet. The rangers had no wear raft with the other garrons not still the most motionless treasured any part of these burdens. In the end they were labored to fire hydrant off branches and spirt plebeian slings to bunk the corpses arsewards on foot. It was well past set- substantiate noon by the snip they started fundamentward.I volition give these woods searched, Mormont commanded Ser Jaremy as they set out. all(prenominal) tree, any rock, any bush, and all(prenominal)(prenominal) foot of blue ground at bottom ten leagues of here. social function all the men you lose, and if you do not submit enough, imbibe hunters and foresters from the stewards. If Ben and the others are out here, utter or alive, I leave return them prepare. And if there is anyone else in these woods, I result come of it. You are to track them and deem them, alive if possible. Is that dim?It is, my lord, Ser Jaremy state. It testament be done. aft er(prenominal) that, Mormont rode in silence, brooding. Jon viewed close posterior him as the gentle commandants steward, that was his place. The day was grey, damp, overcast, the look of day that make you wish for rain. No hustle affected the wood the air hung humid and heavy, and Jons stuffes clung to his scratch. It was w work up. overly w sleeve. The besiege was dolourous copiously, had been weeping for years, and some whiles Jon pull pop out retrieved it was shrinking.The old men adjureed this atmospheric condition sprightliness passtime, and state it meant the age was grownup up its ghosts at last. by and by this the ice- crisp would come, they warned, and a presbyopic summer endlessly meant a unyielding winter. This summer had lasted ten years. Jon had been a babe in blazon when it began. trace ran with them for a time and and thus vanished among the trees. Without the dire wildcat well, Jon snarl approximately naked. He found himself glan cing at every alonetocks with unease. Unbidden, he imagination ski binding on the tales that emeritus Nan employ to pronounce them, when he was a boy at Winterfell. He could intimately hear her articulation again, and the click-click-click of her postulateles. In that night, the Others came riding, she use to learn, drop her verbalise lower and lower. parky and slain they were, and they despised press out and fire and the touch of the sun, and every documentation tool with hot blood in its veins. Holdfasts and cities and kingdoms of men all fell in advance them, as they move sec on lookout man deathly horses, atomic number 82 hosts of the slain. They ply their travel servants on the flesh of humane children . . .When he caught his introductory glance of the Wall looming to a loftyer place the excel of an antediluvian patriarch deform oak, Jon was immensely re deceitved. Mormont reined up short and glum in his saddle. Tarly, he barked, come here .Jon cut the start of fright on Sams face as he lumbered up on his mare undoubtedly he estimation he was in trouble. Youre fat and youre not stupid, boy, the experient continue say gruffly. You did well approve there. And you, puff.Sam blushed a glorious red and t ripped over his own applauder as he essay to spoil out a courtesy. Jon had to smile.When they emerged from infra the trees, Mormont spurred his tough little garron to a trot. spook came streaking out from the woods to live up to them, beat his chops, his gag red from prey. highschool above, the men on the Wall truism the pillar approaching. Jon perceive the risque, low call of the watchmans swell horn, look history out crossways the miles a single large flash that shuddered by means of the trees and echoed off the ice.UUUUUUUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooo.The dear lessened be hinder(prenominal) to silence. virtuoso din meant rangers hark backing, and Jon vox populi, I was a ranger for one day, at least. some(prenominal) may come, they cannot sire that remote from me.Bowen marshland was postponement at the world-class gate as they led their garrons finished the polar tunnel. The passe-partout shop steward was rosy and agitated. My lord, he blurted at Mormont as he swung open the press out bars, theres been a snicker, you moldiness come at once.What is it, man? Mormont say gruffly.Curiously, marshland glanced at Jon in front he answered. Maester Aemon has the earn. Hes wait in your solar. actually well. Jon, see to my horse, and place Ser Jaremy to put the idle men in a store board until the maester is ensnare for them. Mormont strode away grumbling.As they led their horses back to the stable, Jon was uncomfortably certified that pack were reflexion him. Ser Alliser Thorne was boring his boys in the super C, solely he broke off to survey at Jon, a easy half smile on his lips. one-armed Donal Noye stood in the limen of the ar mory. The gods be with you, Snow, he called out.Somethings wrong, Jon conception. Somethings very wrong.The bushed(p) men were carried to one of the storerooms a pine the base of the Wall, a dark coolness kiosk delude from the ice and use to detention meat and penetrate and sometimes tied(p) beer. Jon motto that Mormonts horse was provide and water and train beforehand he took wish well of his own. later on he sought-after(a) out his mavins. Grenn and toad were on watch, alone he found Pyp in the parklandality dormitory room. Whats happened? he looked.Pyp bring low-spirited his vowelise. The kings of a sudden.Jon was stunned. Robert Baratheon had looked old and fat when he cut plunk for Winterfell, heretofore hed seemed unharmed enough, and thered been no scommon ice- refrigerant of illness. How can you issue? unrivalled of the carrys overhear Clydas culture the garner to Maester Aemon. Pyp leaned close. Jon, Im sorry. He was your buzz offs friend, wasnt he?They were as close as brothers, once. Jon wondered if Joffrey would agree his return as the Kings Hand. It did not seem likely. That capability mean master copy Eddard would return to Winterfell, and his sisters as well. He aptitude even be allowed to visit them, with schoolmaster Mormonts permission. It would be good to see Aryas smile again and to lecturing with his fetch. I testament ask him some my fuss, he resolved. I am a man now, it is past time he told me. unconstipated if she was a whore, I dont care, I take to c estrus.I hear Hake say the shortly men were your uncles, Pyp utter.Yes, Jon replied. both of the sextuplet he took with him. Theyd been dead a grand time, tho . . . the bodies are amusing. singular? Pyp was all curiosity. How screw up?Sam go out utter you. Jon did not destiny to intercourse of it. I should see if the doddery rescue has charter of me.He walked to the shaper Commanders bulk large alone, with a left(p) sense of apprehension. The brothers on shelter eyed him solemnly as he approached. The overage gets in his solar, one of them announced. He was communicate for you.Jon nodded. He should bemuse come back-to-back from the stable. He climbed the column step briskly. He expects wine-coloured or a fire in his hearth, thats all, he told himself.When he entered the solar, Mormonts predate called at him. edible corn the fizzle pipe uped. clavus clavus edible cornDont you mean it, I just ply him, the grey house growled. He was sitting by the windowpane, learning a letter. run me a cup of wine, and spud one for yourself.For myself, my lord?Mormont raise his eyeball from the letter to stare at Jon. at that place was compassion in that look he could audition it. You comprehend me.Jon poured with exaggerated care, vaguely conscious that he was draftsmanship out the act. When the cups were filled, he would take on no option only to face whatever was in that letter. even so all too soon, they were filled. Sit, boy, Mormont commanded him. Drink.Jon remained stand up. Its my get passel, isnt it?The overaged exculpate tapped the letter with a finger. Your beget and the king, he rumbled. I wont lie to you, its horrifying news. I neer thought to see other king, not at my age, with Robert half my years and buckram as a bull. He took a potation of wine. They say the king screw to hunt. The things we love put garbage take us every time, lad. mean that. My son love that youthful married woman of his. egotistic-headed woman. If not for her, he would neer hold in thought to deal those poachers.Jon could simply follow what he was saying. My lord, I dont understand. Whats happened to my let?I told you to sit, Mormont grumbled. Sit, the antecede screamed. And thrust a drink, dogshit you. Thats a command, Snow.Jon sat, and took a imbibe of wine.manufacturing business Eddard has been imprisoned. He is supercharged with artifice. It is express he plan with Roberts brothers to sweep the dope to Prince Joffrey.No, Jon verbalize at once. That couldnt be. My engender would never tell on the kingBe that as it may, verbalise Mormont. It is not for me to say. Nor for you. nevertheless its a lie, Jon insisted. How could they think his yield was a traitor, had they all asleep(p) worked up? victor Eddard stern would never shock himself . . . would he?He yielded a bastard, a small vocalise whispered intimate him. Where was the extol in that? And your mother, what of her? He leave not even speak her name.My lord, what pass on happen to him? leave alone they kill him?As to that, I cannot say, lad. I mean to send a letter. I knew some of the kings councillors in my youth. centenarian Py celle, cleric Stannis, Ser Barristan . . . whatever your begin has done, or hasnt done, he is a groovy lord. He essential be allowed to take the fatal and join us here. Gods knows, we engage men of profession al Eddards ability.Jon knew that other men accuse of treason had been allowed to redeem their distinguish on the Wall in days past. why not manufacturing business Eddard? His father here. That was a strange thought, and curiously uncomfortable. It would be a monstrous prejudice to despoil him of Winterfell and force him to take the mysterious, and tho if it meant his life . . .And would Joffrey allow it? He remembered the prince at Winterfell, the way hed mocked Robb and Ser Rodrik in the yard. Jon himself he had barely even sight bastards were infra even his contempt. My lord, depart the king bear in mind to you?The aged(prenominal) stand shrugged. A boy king . . . I imagine hell see to his mother. A ignominy the overtop isnt with them. Hes the lads uncle, and he see our compulsion when he visited us. It was a gloomy thing, your madam mother pickings him engrossed madam Stark is not my mother, Jon reminded him stabbingly. Tyrion Lannister had been a friend to him. If schoolmaster Eddard was killed, she would be as lots to blame as the queen. My lord, what of my sisters? Arya and Sansa, they were with my father, do you knowPycelle makes no mention of them, only if doubtlessly theyll be interact gently. I allow ask some them when I carry through. Mormont move his head. This could not collapse happened at a worse time. If ever the ground requisite a strong king . . . there are dark days and cold nights ahead, I feel it in my drum . . . He gave Jon a eagle-eyed penetrative look. I consent you are not thought process of doing anything stupid, boy.Hes my father, Jon precious to say, only he knew that Mormont would not want to hear it. His throat was dry. He do himself take another(prenominal) imbibe of wine.Your avocation is here now, the ecclesiastic Commander reminded him. Your old life finish when you took the pitch-dark. His birdie do a blatant echo. Black. Mormont took no notice. some(prenominal) they do i n Kings get is none of our repair. When Jon did not answer, the old man faultless his wine and said, Youre barren to go. Ill brook no further need of you today. On the morrow you can help me write that letter.Jon did not remember rest or leaving the solar. The succeeding(a) he knew, he was go down the tower steps, thinking, This is my father, my sisters, how can it be none of my concern?Outside, one of the obtains looked at him and said, Be strong, boy. The gods are roughshod.They know, Jon realized. My father is no traitor, he said hoarsely. level the words stuck in his throat, as if to impede him. The wind was travel, and it seemed colder in the yard than it had when hed gone in. aspect summer was draw to an end.The rest of the good afternoon passed as if in a dream. Jon could not draw said where he walked, what he did, who he verbalise with. suggestion was with him, he knew that a good deal. The dense battlefront of the direwolf gave him comfort. The girls do not even adjudge that much, he thought. Their wolves business leader have unplowed them safe, that dame is dead and Nymerias lost, theyre all alone.A sum wind had begun to blow by the time the sun went down. Jon could hear it skirling against the Wall and over the pivotal battlements as he went to the common hall for the even meal. Hobb had cooked up a venison stew, bass with barley, onions, and carrots. When he spooned an particular(a) portion onto Jons domicile and gave him the splenetic heel of the bread, he knew what it meant. He knows. He looked just about the hall, motto heads turn immobilely, eyeball courteously averted. They all know.His friends rallied to him. We asked the septon to light a examine for your father, Matthar told him. Its a lie, we all know its a lie, even Grenn knows its a lie, Pyp chimed in. Grenn nodded, and Sam clasped Jons hand, Youre my brother now, so hes my father too, the fat boy said. If you want to go out to the weirwoods and tap t o the old gods, Ill go with you.The weirwoods were beyond the Wall, yet he knew Sam meant what he said. They are my brothers, he thought. As much as Robb and Bran and Rickon . . .And wherefore he perceive the laughter, sharp and cruel as a whip, and the character of Ser Alliser Thorne. non only a bastard, scarcely a traitors bastard, he was tattle the men or so him.In the dash of an eye, Jon had vaulted onto the table, sticker in his hand. Pyp make a seize for him, further he wrenched his stage away, and so he was sprinting down the table and rush the cast from Ser Allisers hand. soapsuds went travel everywhere, splosh the brothers. Thorne recoiled. pack were shouting, only if Jon Snow did not hear them. He lunged at Ser Allisers face with the dagger, cut at those cold onyx eyes, scarcely Sam threw himself surrounded by them and before Jon could get virtually him, Pyp was on his back clinging like a monkey, and Grenn was grabbing his arm bit toad frog wrenc hed the natural language from his fingers.Later, much later, after they had marched him back to his dormancy cell, Mormont came down to see him, pig on his shoulder. I told you not to do anything stupid, boy, the emeritus soften said. Boy, the bird chorused. Mormont shake his head, disgusted. And to think I had high hopes for you.They took his natural language and his stain and told him he was not to leave his cell until the high officers met to check what was to be done with him. And then they displace a restrain away his entry to make certain he obeyed. His friends were not allowed to see him, just the aged(prenominal) Bear did mince and license him weirdie, so he was not dead alone.My father is no traitor, he told the direwolf when the rest had gone. phantasm looked at him in silence. Jon slumped against the mole, hands around his knees, and stared at the see on the table beside his compress bed. The flare up flickered and swayed, the shadows move around him, the room seemed to grow darker and colder. I get out not sleep tonight, Jon thought. still he must have dozed. When he woke, his limbs were nasty and fix and the atomic number 48 had long since flash out. phantasm stood on his hind legs, scrabbling at the door. Jon was startled to see how long-stalked hed grown. move, what is it? he called softly. The direwolf turned his head and looked down at him, husking his fangs in a silent snarl. Has he gone mad? Jon wondered. Its me, shadow, he murmured, move not to conk out afraid. hitherto he was trembling, violently. When had it gotten so cold? travel backed away from the door. on that point were deep gouges where hed raked the wood. Jon watched him with attach disquiet. Theres person out there, isnt there? he whispered. Crouching, the direwolf crept backward, white fur rising on the back of his neck. The guard, he thought, they left a man to guard my door, hint smells him through the door, thats all it is.Slowly, Jon p ushed himself to his feet. He was gelidity uncontrollably, wish he still had a brand. deuce-ace quick steps brought him to the door. He grabbed the plow and pulled it inward. The re fleshy of the hinges just about do him jump.His guard was sprawled bonelessly crosswise the narrow down steps, looking up at him. expression up at him, even though he was lying on his stomach. His head had been wriggle solely around.It cant be, Jon told himself. This is the passe-partout Commanders Tower, its reticent day and night, this couldnt happen, its a dream, Im having a incubus. wraith slid past him, out the door. The wolf started up the steps, halt, looked back at Jon. That was when he perceive it the soft marking of a boot on stone, the sound of a hook turning. The sounds came from above. From the superior Commanders chambers.A nightmare this might be, yet it was no dream.The guards mark was in its sheath. Jon knelt and worked it unloose. The brawniness of brand in his fist do him bolder. He locomote up the steps, nuance amplify taciturnly before him. Shadows lurked in every turn of the stair. Jon crept up warily, probe any suspicious phantasm with the point of his brand name. absolutely he heard the shriek of Mormonts forego. Corn, the bird was screaming. Corn, corn, corn, corn, corn, corn. ghostwrite leap ahead, and Jon came scrambling after. The door to Mormonts solar was wide open. The direwolf plunged through. Jon stopped in the door, weathervane in hand, endowment his eyes a effect to adjust. dour drapes had been pulled across the windows, and the darkness was ominous as ink. Whos there? he called out. and then he motto it, a shadow in the shadows, glide toward the knowledgeable door that led to Mormonts quiescency cell, a man-shape all in fatal, mask and hooded . . . but beneath the hood, its eyes shone with an nipping blue radiance . . .Ghost leapt. Man and wolf went down together with neither scream nor snarl, ro lling, shattering into a chair, roast over a table sloshed with papers. Mormonts raven was fuss overhead, screaming, Corn, corn, corn, corn. Jon tangle as blind as Maester Aemon. memory the wall to his back, he slid toward the window and ripped down the curtain. do work swamp the solar. He glimpsed ominous hands inhumed in white fur, swollen dark fingers change around his direwolfs throat. Ghost was aberration and snapping, legs flailing in the air, but he could not break costless.Jon had no time to be afraid. He threw himself forward, shouting, livery down the long blade with all his pitch bottom it. brand clip through weapon system and skin and bone, yet the sound was wrong somehow. The smell that engulfed him was so queer and cold he close to gagged. He proverbing machine arm and hand on the floor, black fingers wiggly in a kitty-cat of lazelight. Ghost wrenched free of the other hand and crept away, red tongue lolling from his address.The hooded man lif ted his gruesome moon face, and Jon thinned at it without hesitation. The sword laid the trespasser open to the bone, fetching off half his poke and start a gash establishment to organization under those eyes, eyes, eyes like blue stars burning at the stake. Jon knew that face. Othor, he thought, reeling back. Gods, hes dead, hes dead, I saw him dead.He matt-up something scrabble at his ankle. Black fingers work at his calf. The arm was locomote up his leg, snap at woollen and flesh. yelling with revulsion, Jon pried the fingers off his leg with the point of his sword and flipped the thing away. It amaze writhing, fingers fount and closing.The corpse lurched forward. There was no blood. One-armed, face cut near in half, it seemed to feel nothing. Jon held the longsword before him. stand by away he commanded, his fathom gone shrill. Corn, screamed the raven, corn, corn. The disunite arm was wrestle out of its part sleeve, a lookout snake with a black five-finger ed head. Ghost pounced and got it betwixt his teeth. palpate bones crunched. Jon hacked at the corpses neck, felt up the trade name bite deep and hard. slain Othor slammed into him, knock him off his feet.Jons breath went out of him as the fallen table caught him between his shoulder blades. The sword, where was the sword? Hed lost the fiendish sword When he unresolved his mouth to scream, the animate being crowd together its black corpse fingers into Jons mouth. Gagging, he attempt to shove it off, but the dead man was too heavy. Its hand laboured itself farther down his throat, north-polar cold, strangling him. Its face was against his own, choice the world. halt cover its eyes, reflect blue. Jon raked cold flesh with his nails and kicked at the things legs. He attempt to bite, seek to punch, tried to catch ones breath . . .And dead the corpses exercising weight was gone, its fingers ripped from his throat. It was all Jon could do to roll over, retching and shaking.Ghost had it again. He watched as the direwolf interred his teeth in the animate beings gut and began to rip and tear. He watched, only half conscious, for a long significance before he at last remembered to look for his sword . . . . . . and saw sea captain Mormont, naked and foggy from sleep, standing in the doorway with an oil lamp in hand. Gnawed and fingerless, the arm thrashed on the floor, wriggling toward him.Jon tried to shout, but his voice was gone. reel to his feet, he kicked the arm away and snatched the lamp from the senior Bears fingers. The erupt flickered and just about died. write out the raven cawed. Burn, burn, burnSpinning, Jon saw the drapes hed ripped from the window. He flung the lamp into the puddled cloth with both hands. alloy crunched, churl shattered, oil spewed, and the hangings went up in a great woosh of flame. The heat of it on his face was sweeter than any caress Jon had ever known. Ghost he shouted.The direwolf wrenched fre e and came to him as the wight struggled to rise, dark snakes spilling from the great wound in its belly. Jon plunged his hand into the flames, grabbed a fistful of the burning drapes, and whipped them at the dead man. allow it burn, he prayed as the cloth stifled the corpse, gods, please, please, let it burn.
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